25 T-shirts That Went Too Viral


They Are Never-ending

People shouldn’t say that they’ve “seen everything”.

Here are some extremely funny t-shirts that are guaranteed to make you laugh out loud. From grammatical errors to just plain hilarious messages, here are a few.

Gas Gauge

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We don’t know if this is a genuine translation error or if the designer for his employees’ shirts had a sense of humor.

But no matter what the intention was we still think it’s hilarious. Even the guy wearing the shirt is being a good sport and letting someone take a photo of the shirt.

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Look Closer

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Here’s a shirt that doesn’t seem all that special, but if you look closer you might see the irony.

The woman is holding a baby pig enjoying some head pats from the man in black. Let’s just hope the man in the T-shirt doesn’t have any ill intentions towards the sweet guy.

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The drink is nothing special on its own. They can be found almost anywhere in China.

But what’s funnier is that the girl in the photo has the brand on her shirt. The drink itself tastes like strawberry yogurt if anyone was wondering.

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‘Nuff Said

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This is one that everyone will instantly get, but that doesn’t make it any less funny.

We wonder if when he got ready that morning he picked that shirt because he felt drawn to it. And whoever the quick thinking individual was who snapped the photo, we thank you.

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Another One

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We know everyone who sees this can think of a friend that could use a shirt like this.

We don’t know how he got into the hospital but the look on his face says it all. Maybe he needs a new shirt that has a safety guide written on it instead.

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Best Buds

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It takes a second to understand what’s going on here.

But after realizing what’s going on people all over the internet were laughing. The double expression of the doggy dad makes it all the better!

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Where’s Jan

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Here’s a hilarious couple’s shirt that can make anyone laugh.

This shirt seems perfect for an older couple. The man clearly has done things before and his wife is just making sure he gets back to her safely.

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Wait For It

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At least nothing unfortunate has happened to his man yet.

But considering the other shirts had bad things happen to the wearer, this guy should think twice about sitting in the back. Although, many people might remember doing this as kids – so dangerous, but so fun!

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So Sweet

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With all the garbage news out there, it’s so nice to see something wholesome.

It really is heartwarming. We wonder if they decided to get the matching set themselves or if it was a gift. And if we look in the background, we have to wonder if they’re both baseball fans and have been for the many years they’ve been hitched. So beautiful.

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Good Giggles

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You know they had this made especially for her race!

It might be a play on the Ladies Be Crazy saying but from their smiles it’s clear it’s all done with good intentions. The great thing is that it can be adapted to other hobbies as well! And you know her shirt was turning some heads!

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Keyboard Shortcuts To Life

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These pair-tees are everywhere, but they’re still cute as heck.

But if this particular combo isn’t what you’re looking for, there are a ton of other ones. There’s pizza and slice, original and copy, the legend and the legacy – you name it and there’s probably a design out there somewhere.

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Did What Now?

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If we see in the background, the sign is in Chinese, so the shirt makes a lot of sense.

Well, maybe not “sense”, but it’s easy to understand why this person found it. The ones with clear grammar or translation mistakes are simple to get, but we can’t help but wonder if there’s a hidden message hiding in this shirt.

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Ah, There It Is

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There are translation mistakes … and then there are translation mistakes.

This is the latter – and it’s wonderful. You know the person wearing this is getting a sick kick out of every confused reader who is trying to solve the word puzzle.

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Just That

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What’s the saying? “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar”?

Who knows why someone was inspired to make the potato t-shirt with a pixel picture or fries, but it still looks kind of yummy. It would be epic if there was a ketchup version to go with it.

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Gonna Hate

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Go grandpa! Who knows if he understands, or even cares, what’s on the shirt?

But it’s a good word combo to have while strutting around the city. It covers any situation. But there does seem to be something missing – perhaps an answer or additional question on the back side as well?

Choose One

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It doesn’t have to be twins.

But you’re very much going to be announcing which kid is your favorite when they open this on Christmas morning – and don’t pretend you don’t have a favorite, there’s always one.


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On one hand, everyone is going, “Awwwwww!”

On the other hand, everyone is wondering why a tiny tot has beer on her shirt. Maybe change it to cupcakes or something sweet? Then again, changing it wouldn’t make it nearly as memorable.

Warning Received

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Okay, it’s not a misspell or any embarrassing word choices – but there’s something to be said for such an honest announcement.

It’s right up there with, “It’s okay to talk to yourself, but it’s not okay to answer yourself” or “All my personalities love me” and so on.


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There’s been grammar errors and ironic situations with t-shirts. However, the next one is taken to a whole new level.

Someone has worn a shirt with their favorite sports star, only to have that same person standing behind them in line for coffee! So amazing! Let’s hope he got an autograph.

I See What’s Going On

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The guy was wondering one simple thing when he first bought the shirt.

“Why are the sleeves black?” Where did the rest of the celestial design go? Well, it turns out it ended up on this other guy’s sleeves!

Nom Nom Nom

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If this was a coincidence, there probably isn’t a better accidental pairing in t-shirt history.

The best thing is the person who snapped the photo was keen enough to spot the connection in a busy bar – especially since the designs don’t link up at all.

Picture Proof

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You know the saying, “Pics or it didn’t happen?”

Well, this guy was flabbergasted when he saw three other strangers wearing the exact same shirt as him. There must have been an amazing sale in their area or something.

Look Closer

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Yes, what you think happened actually happened.

The guy was on the news because his plane got totaled by birds … and he gave the interview wearing an Angry Birds shirt. If this was intentional, this guy wins viral post of the year!

What Are The Odds

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Everyone in the back is having a great laugh, while the girl in the front looks like she wants to crawl in a hole and disappear!

For those who don’t know, Andrew Scott was in many famous movies and shows – including playing Moriarty in Sherlock with Benedict Cumberbatch.