Gato Se Queda Mirando La Pared Todo El Día Hasta Que El Padre Se Da Cuenta De Por Qué


Comportamiento Extraño

La familia Evans se dio cuenta de que su gato, Larry, llevaba horas y horas mirando fijamente al mismo punto de la pared. Preocupados, intentaron distraerlo con juguetes y golosinas, pero nada parecía funcionar.

Lo llevaron al veterinario, pero el médico no le encontró nada en los ojos ni en los oídos.

La familia empezó a sentirse frustrada y preocupada porque Larry seguía mirando la pared día tras día. Parece que algo más siniestro estaba en juego.

La Familia Perfecta

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La familia Evans estaba formada por Beverley y Paul y sus dos hijos, Peter y Amelia. Vivían en Albuquerque, Nuevo México.

Desde que los niños volvieron de visitar a sus primos, habían estado insistiendo a Beverley y Paul para que tuvieran una mascota.

Se lo habían pasado tan bien jugando con el perro y el gato de sus primos que ahora querían tener uno propio.

Un Nuevo Miembro De La Familia

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Beverley y Paul debatieron si era una buena idea. Paul era un ávido jardinero y no le entusiasmaba el hecho de que tener un perro pudiera arruinar todo su duro trabajo.

Así que llegaron a la conclusión de que tener un gato sería la mejor opción. Se sentaron con los niños y les anunciaron que podían tener un gato.

Estaban encantados y no veían la hora de ir al refugio para dar un nuevo hogar a un gato.

Bienvenido A Casa, Lawrence

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Cuando llegaron al refugio de animales, Peter y Amelia se enamoraron rápidamente de un gato atigrado macho negro como el carbón. Les llamó la atención de inmediato con sus grandes ojos amarillos.

El gato era tímido al principio, pero pronto salió de su caparazón para jugar con los niños.

Peter y Amelia por fin tenían la mascota que habían deseado. Decidieron llamarlo Lawrence, pero lo llamaron Larry para abreviar.

Un Gato Feliz

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Larry se pasaba el día holgazaneando por la casa y jugando con los diversos juguetes que la familia Evans le había proporcionado.

Jugaba con los niños cuando volvían del colegio y la familia podía ver que era un gato feliz y contento.

Hasta que un día se dieron cuenta de que Larry empezaba a actuar de forma muy extraña.

La Mancha

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Larry había empezado a sentarse en un sitio de cara a la pared.

Al principio, la familia no le dio importancia. Tal vez a Larry le gustaba porque era acogedor y cálido.

Simplemente se sentaba allí y miraba la pared. Beverley se sintió intrigada y pensó que era extraño que un gato se quedara sentado en un sitio durante horas y horas.

El Extraño Comportamiento

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Al principio, la familia Evans pensó que Larry estaba aburrido o cansado. Intentaron jugar con él, pero no se movía de su sitio en el suelo, fijo en el mismo punto de la pared.

Se dieron cuenta de que Larry había dejado de comer y de beber agua, algo poco habitual en él.

Empezaron a preocuparse y lo llevaron al veterinario, pero el médico no pudo encontrarle nada malo.

La Mancha Misteriosa

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A medida que pasaban los días, el comportamiento de Larry era cada vez más preocupante. La familia Evans lo intentó todo para que se moviera, pero seguía fijo en el mismo punto de la pared.

Beverley incluso intentó acercarle los cuencos de comida y agua, pero no comía ni bebía.

Incluso probaron a llevarlo a otra habitación, pero en cuanto lo ponían en el suelo, se volvía a fijar en el mismo punto de la pared.

El Manitas Sospechoso

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Unos días más tarde, la familia contrató a un manitas para arreglar una fuga en la cocina.

Cuando se iba, se dio cuenta de que Larry miraba fijamente a la pared. “Qué raro”, murmuró para sí.

Beverley le oyó y le preguntó si sabía lo que pasaba. Él negó con la cabeza y se marchó, pero algo en su reacción hizo sospechar a Beverley.

El Sentimiento Inquietante

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Los días se convirtieron en semanas y el comportamiento de Larry seguía inquietando a la familia. Intentaban por todos los medios sacarle de sus casillas, pero nada parecía funcionar.

Beverley tenía la persistente sensación de que algo no iba bien. Tenía la sensación de que Larry estaba intentando decirles algo, pero no conseguía averiguar qué era.

Paul trató de calmarla, diciéndole que los gatos eran criaturas impredecibles y que tal vez Larry sólo estaba pasando por una fase.

Los Niños Se Dan Cuenta

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Peter y Amelia también se estaban preocupando porque Larry ya ni siquiera quería jugar con ellos. Estaba tan fijado en la pared que empezaba a asustarles.

Beverley les aseguró que a Larry probablemente sólo le gustaba el lugar porque era cálido.

No podía decirles lo preocupados que estaban realmente Paul y ella.

Noche De Terror

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Una noche Beverley se llevaría el susto de su vida. Todos se habían metido ya en la cama cuando oyó unos arañazos inexplicables en la puerta del dormitorio.

Se levantó y abrió la puerta. Era Larry, que intentaba entrar.

Saltó a la cama y se quedó allí el resto de la noche. A Beverley le pareció extraño, pero parecía que Larry se había asustado con algo.

De Vuelta Al Lugar De Siempre

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Cuando Beverley se despertó a la mañana siguiente, Larry ya se había ido.

Cuando fue a la cocina a preparar el desayuno, Larry estaba de nuevo en el mismo sitio.

Ella no podía entender por qué había venido a la cama la noche anterior y ahora estaba de vuelta en el lugar de siempre. Algo no le cuadraba y quería encontrar la manera de saber qué estaba pasando.

Ruidos De Golpes

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A la noche siguiente, la familia oyó ruidos extraños procedentes de la pared en la que Larry se había fijado.

Sonaban como golpes y arañazos, pero no podían distinguir lo que estaba haciendo el ruido.

Registraron la casa, pero no encontraron nada fuera de lo normal. La familia empezó a sentir que se estaban volviendo locos, pero la inquebrantable mirada de Larry los mantuvo en alerta máxima.

Sin Descanso

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Los días se convirtieron en semanas, y los ruidos continuaron.

La familia trató de ignorarlo, con la esperanza de que desapareciera por sí solo, pero los ruidos sólo se hicieron más fuertes y persistentes.

Aunque estaba preocupado, Paul aseguró a su familia que podía tratarse de una familia de pájaros que había empezado a posarse en sus paredes y que eso era lo que causaba los ruidos. Pero Beverley no estaba convencida.

¿Qué Podía Ser?

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Cuando Paul estaba en el trabajo y los niños en el colegio, Beverley decidió echar un vistazo a lo que estaba pasando.

Se dio cuenta de que Larry estaba mucho más tranquilo durante el día y no miraba tan fijamente como antes.

Pensó que tal vez era el fin de las miradas fijas. Seguía sentado junto al lugar, pero no miraba fijamente. ¿Quizá lo que había allí se había ido? O eso pensaba ella.

Ha Vuelto

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Ese mismo día, mientras preparaba la cena, Beverley notó un cambio en el comportamiento de Larry. Había vuelto a mirar fijamente a la pared, con la cola balanceándose de un lado a otro de forma hipnotizadora.

Beverley estaba convencida de que lo que había en las paredes, había vuelto y ahora Larry volvía a actuar de forma extraña.

Beverley sabía que había que tomar medidas drásticas, pero no tenía ni idea de lo grave que era la situación. Estaban en grave peligro.



Cuando Paul entró en la habitación, al principio no se fijó en el gato. Lo que le desconcertó fue la extraña expresión de la cara de su mujer.

Parecía preocupada, mordiéndose nerviosamente las uñas mientras miraba a su mascota.

Sus ojos se desviaron de su rostro hacia donde ella miraba, y fue entonces cuando lo vio. Sus ojos se abrieron de par en par ante la horripilante visión: “¿Qué demonios?”



El comportamiento de Larry era cada vez más extraño. Al principio se limitaba a mirar a la pared, pero ahora gruñía por lo bajo, con la cara pegada a la pared.

Paul notó el extraño balanceo de su cola, que se movía hacia adelante y hacia atrás muy lentamente, casi con un movimiento hipnótico.

Estaba claro que había algo en su pared, y estaban a punto de hacer un horrible descubrimiento.

Algo Malo Pasa


Paul no sabía qué hacer. Se quedó helado y vio cómo su mujer se acercaba sigilosamente a Larry. Ella lo levantó y trató de alejarse de la pared.

Fue entonces cuando se dio cuenta de la baba blanca y espumosa que había empezado a salir de la boca del gato.

Cuando dejó a Larry en otra habitación, éste volvió a levantarse de un salto y corrió hacia la pared. Continuó gruñendo por lo bajo. “Cariño”, respiró Beverly, “creo que está pasando algo malo”.

A Freaky Situation


Paul could tell how much it was freaking Beverly out, and he couldn’t blame her. The interaction sent shivers down his spine too.

He had never seen anything like this before. Paul did the only thing he could think of.

He grabbed a bag of Larry’s favorite food and placed it in his bowl. But the cat was so focused that he didn’t even come to eat when Paul put his food out.

It Wasn’t Working


They tried for hours on end to get their poor, distressed cat away from the wall, but nothing was working.

They even tried closing him in a room, but he would start to cry, begging them to let him out.

The situation was starting to scare Beverly and the kids. Paul wouldn’t admit it, but he felt pretty uneasy too. They were in for a sinister discovery.

Larry Comes Back To Bed

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That night as she lay in bed, Beverly made sure to leave the bedroom door open.

She knew Larry would be coming in to sleep there again.

It happened every night. Maybe he was just getting cold from sitting by the wall all day. Beverley hoped that was the explanation and that it wasn’t anything sinister.

A Restless Night

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But as she was drifting off to sleep, she heard a strange scratching sound coming from the walls. She sat up and listened intently. It sounded like something was moving inside the walls.

Her heart began racing as she turned to Paul, but he was fast asleep, unaware of the strange sounds surrounding them.

Beverly knew that she wouldn’t be able to sleep until she knew what was causing the strange sounds.

A Scratching Sound


It sounded like something was moving inside the walls. She leaned closer, frowning at the strange sound. Was something scratching the walls?

She got out of bed and cautiously walked to the wall where Larry had been staring all day.

She pressed her ear to the wall and listened. Sure enough, the scratching sound was coming from inside the wall.

Calling In The Professionals

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Beverley couldn’t sleep that night, and the next morning she called an exterminator to check the house. She was terrified thinking about what could be lurking inside of their walls.

She feared that it could be a family of rats, or perhaps even raccoons.

Not only was she scared for her home, but she was also scared that something might’ve been trying to attack her beloved pet.



She waited for a few hours, but when the exterminator showed up, he took a look around.

He didn’t find any pests but suggested calling a contractor to check the walls. He noted that something fishy was certainly going on,

When the contractor arrived, he took a look at the wall and immediately knew something was wrong. He could hear the scratching sound too.

Removing The Wall

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He got his tools and started to remove the drywall. Beverley watched anxiously as he worked, wondering what they would find.

She could see how intrigued Larry was getting. It was almost like the mystery would be solved for him as well.

He kept meowing when the contractor began hitting the walls. Beverley wondered if Larry knew something that they didn’t.

Shining A Light

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As the contractor peeled away the layers of drywall, a small hole appeared.

At first, he couldn’t see anything through it. But then, he shone his flashlight inside and gasped in horror.

He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He expected the problem to be old pipes or maybe even a wasp’s nest, but it was so much worse than he ever could’ve imagined.

Playing Tricks On Him?


He rubbed at his eyes and took a deep breath. Was his mind playing tricks on him, or was the situation far worse than he thought? He took another look, and sure enough, there it was.

There, inside the wall, was a small room. It was a secret room hidden inside the walls of Beverley’s home.

It had been there for years, and Beverley had never known.

She Couldn’t See


The concerned woman stood behind him, hearing his reaction.

The only problem was that she couldn’t see anything. He was blocking her view from the strange discovery.

She tried to take a step forward, but before she could, she heard a familiar sound. It was Larry, he was at the wall once again, making the same growling noise as before.

Getting Answers


The man looked over his shoulder, staring down at the anxious cat. “Ma’am, would you mind holding him? I’m going to open this up a bit more.”

She did as the man asked and quickly scooped Larry into her arms.

He tried to escape, desperate to get closer to the wall, but she held him firmly. She was about to get the answers she needed.

The Secret Room

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Beverley was stunned as the contractor broke through the wall.

She couldn’t believe her eyes as the pieces of drywall fell to the floor. Slowly but surely, he began revealing the secret room.

She had lived in that house for years and had no idea that it was there. She always thought it was just an ordinary wall. If it hadn’t been for Larry, she never would’ve discovered the sinister truth.

The Room


She was at a loss for words as she stared at the wall. The small room had been there all along, and she never suspected a thing. But she didn’t have the answers she needed yet.

This was creepy and Beverley couldn’t believe what she was seeing.

But it still didn’t explain the scratching and thumping sounds they heard. She asked the contractor to look for a bird’s nest.

No Nests

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The man spent an hour looking through the room, but he couldn’t find any nests. He saw some cockroaches, but that was nothing out of the ordinary.

He told Beverley that they might be causing the scratching sounds as they crawled all over the walls.

But she wasn’t convinced. The sounds she heard were definitely caused by something bigger than a cockroach.

Not Convinced


She could still hear the strange sounds echoing in the back of her mind. How could these small insects make such a loud thumping sound?

She supposed that it could explain Larry’s behavior, but she wasn’t entirely convinced.

She feared that something else was living in the secret room, and the thought terrified her.

Hatching A Plan

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She asked the contractor to board up the wall again. She had a plan.

She was going to get surveillance cameras to put around the house to see if there was something they were missing.

She had a feeling that this was now more than Larry just staring at the wall. Something was there and she was to get to the bottom of it once and for all.

Setting Up

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That weekend, Paul set up the cameras exactly where Beveley had asked him to.

They were nervous and afraid of what they might see on the cameras.

Paul was as distressed as his wife when he heard about the secret room. He knew that it was his duty to keep his family safe, and right now, none of them felt safe.



But there was more to it than just his wife and children. Over the last few days, he had to watch helplessly as their cat sat by the wall, stressed out of his mind.

Poor Larry was suffering because of this and he too needed to be at peace.

He hardly ate and only played occasionally, it was not healthy for him. Beverley needed to find the problem fast.

Could This Be It?

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During the day, Beverley couldn’t contain how anxious she was.

Were they finally going to find out what was causing Larry all this stress?

After dinner, Beverly switched on all the cameras and headed to bed. She felt a wave of nervousness wash over her. She lay still and waited for Larry to join them.

Movement Detected

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He came right when the clock struck midnight. She grabbed her phone and watched for any activity of the cameras.

Her nerves were shot and she waited with bated breath to see something appear.

At first, the results were pretty underwhelming. There was nothing of interest until half an hour later. That’s when everything changed.

A Familiar Sound


She sat up when she heard the strange sound. She couldn’t help but frown.

Surely that wasn’t what she thought it was, right? But as she kept listening, the sound became more distinct.

She could distinctly hear very soft footsteps. Larry gave a low meow. And then she saw movement. This was far worse than she thought.

Who Is That?

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The cameras showed a man jumping down from their attic. He was crouching down and heading to the kitchen. Beverley couldn’t believe her eyes. They had an intruder.

She woke Paul and showed him the camera footage. He immediately called 911. They stayed in the bedroom for safety.

When they finally heard the police vehicle pull up, they saw the guy trying to escape back through the attic and Paul sprang into action.

Caught Out

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He pulled the guy down while Beverley let the cops inside. The guy had been living in the crawlspace of their house for a few months.

He promised he didn’t want to cause any harm, he just needed a place to stay.

The police took him away but later released him to a shelter as the Evans didn’t press charges.

Trying To Figure It Out


Beverley and Paul went back over the past few weeks, trying to figure out if they had missed any other signs. They had noticed that some of their food was missing, but they had blamed it on Larry.

They had assumed that they had misplaced them, but they now realized that the intruder had taken them.

Larry never sat by the wall again and the Evans family was grateful to him because they saw Larry as their hero who had warned them of the stranger inside their house.


Disclaimer: In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.