Easter Quiz

We have put together all sorts of fun Easter trivia questions. Enjoy this quiz and add to your knowledge of Easter.

Easter is celebrated globally. Some honor its religious meaning. Others enjoy it for fun. People celebrate differently. Traditions and food vary. Easter fun is diverse.

We made Easter trivia questions. They are fun and interesting. Many facts about Easter exist. You may know some. Others might be new. Enjoy the quiz. Learn more about Easter.

1. What is Easter a celebration of?

What is Easter a celebration of?

2. What day of the week is Easter always celebrated on?

What day of the week is Easter always celebrated on?
Easter is always held on a Sunday. It usually falls between March 22 and April 25.

3. Easter comes behind what holiday as the top selling of candy?

Easter comes behind what holiday as the top selling of candy?
Halloween is the top-selling candy holiday. Easter comes behind Halloween.

4. How many chocolate Easter bunnies are made each year?

How many chocolate Easter bunnies are made each year?
It is said that worldwide, 90 million chocolate Easter bunnies are produced each year.

5. How many days after his crucification, did Jesus rise from the dead?

How many days after his crucification, did Jesus rise from the dead?
Jesus rose from the dead three days after his crucifixion.

6. Easter is the what in the church?

Easter is the what in the church?
Easter is the most important and oldest day of the church year. All the movable feasts and entire liturgical year of worship is around Easter.

7. The most famous Easter parade is found where?

The most famous Easter parade is found where?
New York holds the most famous Easter parade in America.

8. The first Easter eggs were colored what color?

The first Easter eggs were colored what color?
The Christian custom started with the Christians of Mesopotamia. They stained the egg red in memory of Christ’s blood that was shed at His crucifixion.

10. How many jellybeans do Americans consume on Easter?

How many jellybeans do Americans consume on Easter?
Over 16 million jellybeans are consumed on Easter in America. That’s enough jellybeans to circle the world more than 3 times.

11. At Christ’s crucifixion, what did the soldiers put on his head?

At Christ’s crucifixion, what did the soldiers put on his head?
The soldiers put a crown of thorn onto his head.

12. When did the Easter Bunny arrive in America?

When did the Easter Bunny arrive in America?
The Easter Bunny first arrived in America in the 1700’s.

13. What country created the Easter Bunny?

What country created the Easter Bunny?
The Easter Bunny was created from German tradition of the Osterhase, which means, Easter hare. It is an egg-laying hare. The children would make nests where the creature could leave its colored eggs.

14. What book of the bible talks about the resurrection of Jesus first?

What book of the bible talks about the resurrection of Jesus first?
In Matthew, Luke and John the resurrection announcement is followed by appearances of Jesus to Mary Magdalene. Matthew is a book before Luke and John, therefore it is first.

15. What season is Easter in America?

What season is Easter in America?
Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the vernal equinox. The equinox marks the unofficial beginning of spring for the Northern Hemisphere.

16. In what Disney film does the Thumper appear in?

In what Disney film does the Thumper appear in?
Likely the most famous rabbit in Disney history, Thumper is lovable fluffy and wholly adorable.

17. What is Good Friday?

What is Good Friday?
Good Friday is a Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary. It is observed during Holy Week as part of the Paschal Triduum on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday.

18. What food is usually made before Easter?

What food is usually made before Easter?
Hot cross buns are made of spices and fruit. They usually have a cross on top with icing. Traditionally they are eaten on Good Friday.

19. Christians frequently serve what for dinner on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and all Friday’s during Lent?

Christians frequently serve what for dinner on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and all Friday’s during Lent?
Meat is not allowed at meals on those days. Fish is exempt, though, and many families cook their favorite seafood dishes, ranging from gumbo to tuna casserole.

20. How did bunny rabbits and Easter eggs become a part of this holiday?

How did bunny rabbits and Easter eggs become a part of this holiday?
Easter Sunday date is based on the vernal equinox? That is the first day of Spring, which represents fertility.

21. What do children like to leave out for the Easter Bunny?

What do children like to leave out for the Easter Bunny?
Just like Santa gets milk and cookies, the Easter Bunny gets a plate full of carrots.

22. When was the first Easter egg roll held at the White House?

When was the first Easter egg roll held at the White House?
President Rutherford B. Hayes was the first president to hold the annual Easter egg roll at the White House.

23. How many people eat the chocolate bunny ears first?

How many people eat the chocolate bunny ears first?
76% of people eat the ears first! 5% of people eat the bunny’s tail first.

24. What country has an annual Easter egg fight?

What country has an annual Easter egg fight?
In Bulgaria, they toss their eggs at each other instead of hiding them. If you end up with an unbroken egg, then you win.

25. What color do Greeks dye their eggs.

What color do Greeks dye their eggs.
Eggs are dyed red on Holy Thursday in commemoration of the Last Supper. This is the Greek Orthodox tradition.

26. When Jesus rose from the dead, who spoke with him first?

When Jesus rose from the dead, who spoke with him first?
Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene when he rose from the dead.

27. What is the Passion of Christ?

What is the Passion of Christ?
The Passion of Christ is the story of Jesus Christ’s arrest, suffering and crucifixion. The word passion comes from the Latin word suffering.

28. The world’s largest Easter egg weighs how much?

The world’s largest Easter egg weighs how much?
The largest Easter egg is 31 feet tall and 18 feet wide. It weighs 5000 pounds and is found in Canada.

29. Why was the pretzel associated with Easter?

Why was the pretzel associated with Easter?
The twists in the pretzel resemble arms crossing in prayer. In the 1950’s, in Germany, it was a tradition to eat a pretzel and a hard-boiled egg for dinner on Good Friday.

30. What country is it illegal to dance on Good Friday?

What country is it illegal to dance on Good Friday?
In most states in Germany, it is illegal to dance in public on Good Friday. That is the start of the Easter weekend.

31. What does an Easter basket symbolize?

What does an Easter basket symbolize?

32. Where did the Easter Lily originate from?

Where did the Easter Lily originate from?
The Easter Lilly originated in Japan. The United States began the tradition after WWI.

33. In the US, how much is spent on Easter candy alone?

In the US, how much is spent on Easter candy alone?
In the United States, for Easter, people spend $2.6 billion on candy alone.

34. How did Easter get it’s name?

How did Easter get it’s name?
Easter comes from the name Eostre, which was an Anglo-Saxon goddess. The festival for Eostre always took place around spring. Christian missionaries combined those celebrations with the Christian celebration.

35. 70% of Easter candy is what?

70% of Easter candy is what?
70% of Easter candy purchased is chocolate

36. Giving an Easter eggs is a symbol of what?

Giving an Easter eggs is a symbol of what?
The giving of an Easter egg actually dates back to before Easter. The giving of eggs is actually considered a symbol of rebirth in many cultures.

37. Who provides the voice for Peter Rabbit in the 2018 animated movie?

Who provides the voice for Peter Rabbit in the 2018 animated movie?
James Cordon voices Peter Rabbit in the 2018 animated movie. The movie is about a Peter Rabbit and his siblings as they fight Mr. Mc Gregor by stealing from his garden.

38. Which on of these isn’t a bunny?

Which on of these isn’t a bunny?
Daffy is a duck! He is a cartoon character .created by Warner Bros. He is most famous from Looney Tunes.

39. What happens to the clocks in spring in America?

What happens to the clocks in spring in America?
Americans spring forward on the second Sunday in March.

40. In French tradition, how are Easter eggs believed to be delivered to children?

In French tradition, how are Easter eggs believed to be delivered to children?
In France, Easter eggs are delivered by flying bells.