Dog Won’t Stop Licking Paws Until Dad Sees Baby Monitor


Gut Feeling

Glen Joseph couldn’t help his nervousness as he checked the monitor. He was anticipating what he’d see, knowing in his gut that the answer would be there.

He realized that his gut feeling had been right. In the footage, he saw his baby boy move closer to the dog and felt an influx of emotion within himself that he couldn’t quite place.

Different Lifestyle

Youtube – Hunter _ Devin Cordle

Joseph had just made the recent move to Wisconsin with his wife, Georgia. They were both 28 years old and knew they had to get used to the Midwest lifestyle.

Georgia worked as a fifth-grade school teacher, while Glen worked as a CPA. They had been used to the hot weather in Florida and were shocked when they were met with the cold temperatures here.

Career Opportunity

Glen had always wanted to work for one of the “big four” firms since he started his career as a CPA, so when he was offered a senior associate position, he couldn’t let it slip through his fingers. It was a dream offer.

Although it was far away, he knew his wife would support his dream. But there was big news waiting for them once they got there that they didn’t expect.

Their Family


The couple had gotten married and soon adopted a rescue dog. They were drawn to the white Boxer’s docile personality. Caesar was adopted from the local shelter and had black and brown highlights.

They thought his personality meant he likely experienced trauma from his past as a “street dog.” They took him in with open arms, and when Joseph knew his family was complete when he found out that Georgia was pregnant.

Not An Easy Start

Youtube – Hunter _ Devin Cordle

Growing accustomed to their new life hadn’t been easy, considering everything seemed different from what they were used to. But they managed despite it all.

Months had gone by before the couple woke up one day and realized how much they loved their new life and home. They were also waiting for a big event coming in January 2020.

A Blessing

Youtube – Mount Sinai Parenting Center

Georgia gave birth to a six-pound, nine-ounce baby named Mickel Joseph. The couple felt instantly in love with their baby, feeling beyond blessed. But those feelings would soon change.

It had only been a few hours after little “Mick” was born when Georgia felt something was off. The doctors later brought them the news that confirmed her suspicions.

Dreading The Worst

Youtube – Mount Sinai Parenting Center

Joseph and Georgia were panicked as the doctors informed them of Mick’s rare heart defect. They dreaded the worst.

The doctors told them that if they followed instructions, the defect could be treated, and the tension eased. Their relief was short-lived when they realized Mick had to stay behind at the hospital for a while longer.

Meeting Caesar

Youtube – Wonderbot Animals

Considered healthy enough, Mick was released from the hospital two weeks later. The next worry came when the couple thought about how Caesar would react when encountering the newborn. Their minds were soon put to rest when the dog quickly took to the baby.

Caesar soon started acting more excited and showing brotherly traits. However happy the couple was to see it, it brought along another problem.

By His Side

Youtube – Dogtooth Media

Mick was new to the world and was delicate. On the other hand, Caesar was fully grown, so it made sense that the couple tried to keep him away from their son. Their efforts proved futile when Caesar was adamant about being by Mick’s side. The result was his bed being moved next to the crib.

It warmed their hearts to see how much Caesar cared for Mick like an older brother. But trouble was soon to follow.

Stuck Together

Youtube – Wonderbot Animals

Mick still required treatment; part of it was to rub nitroglycerine gel on his chest before bed. Despite this, he lived life like any young child. A year later, Mick and Caesar were stuck to each other, never leaving one another’s side.

Mick grew closer to his “brother” and loved every moment with him. But it wasn’t long before Glen found something that worried him about Caesar.

Caesar’s Paws


Glen noticed that Caesar would frantically lick his paws every morning. Checking them, Glen found they were red, gave off a weird scent, and seemed to be having some sort of allergic reaction. 

Glen’s instincts told him to check Mick’s room since the pair both slept there each night. Glen had installed a baby camera in the room. As he studied it now, his jaw dropped.  

Mystery Solved

Youtube – Dogtooth Media

Now that Mick was old enough to walk, it seemed each night, after tossing and turning and not being able to sleep, Mick would climb out of his crib. 

Snuggling himself next to Caesar and sleeping with the dog’s paws around him had become a routine. Glen finally realized what the weird smell on Caesar’s paws was; it was Mick’s nitroglycerine ointment. 

Not Over Yet


Now that they had finally figured out that it was their son’s ointment that was causing Ceasar’s paws  to smell strange and go red, they had to find a solution for the problem. They first decided to try and separate the two.

Glen moved Ceaser’s bed out into the hallway so that he wouldn’t be exposed to the ointment and have troubles the next morning. But they had no idea how futile that was.

The Next Morning


The next morning, Glen and Georgia woke up and greeted the new day. When Glen first walked down the hall to see Ceasar in his bed he smiled. But 20 minutes later while he was making breakfast, he noticed something.

Caesar, now in the kitchen begging for scraps, started licking his paws again. Glen shook his head. Clearly, something was still wrong.

Why Was It Still Happening?


Glen decided to check the footage once again. Unexpectedly, he saw that Ceasar had managed to get into Mick’s room while he was sleeping. He was surprised that the dog somehow got into the room and then snuck out before he woke up.

Glen couldn’t believe it. He saw Ceasar sleeping in the hallway when he woke up. He had to check the door to be sure.

More Clever Than He Thought

Youtube – Dogtooth Media

Glen figured out that Ceasar was much more clever than he had been giving him credit for. The canine was opening the door handles in the night to get to his loyal friend. But it was to the poor dog’s detriment.

Glen knew that he had to figure out another way to try and solve this problem. He clearly wasn’t going to be able to separate the two.

Looking For Other Solutions


Glen racked his brain for other solutions. He looked to Georgia who normally had brilliant ideas when he was stuck. They ruled out separating the two of them and they didn’t want to either.

They both agreed that it was a good thing that to two of them had bonded so much. They just had to try and find a better solution to make sure that their best canine and their special boy were both safe.

Couldn’t Compromise Their Son’s Health


They knew that they couldn’t compromise on their son’s health. No matter what, they had to keep applying the ointment on little Mick. He needed it and they wouldn’t stop that routine.

But then they had to find another way. They sat down and thought long and hard about it. Then Georgia’s eyes widened as she looked towards Glen. She had a brilliant idea that he hadn’t thought of.

Considering The Vet


Georgia explained to Glen that if they couldn’t keep them separated, then they would have to solve Ceasar’s problem. They’d have to find a way so that the two of them could snuggle every night and have no problems.

But what exactly was wrong with Ceasar when he was exposed to the ointment? Was it dangerous to dogs? They decided they had to take him to the vet.

The Vet


Like most dogs, Ceasar hated the vet. It took a lot of coaxing and treats just to get him into the car. From there, they drove three miles to their closest vet. They just hoped there would be a solution to their problems.

They got to the vet and were now standing in front of one of their veterinarians. When they explained things to him, he seemed surprised.

An Explanation


The veterinarian looks surprised at first. But once he understood the situation, he knew exactly what course of action to pursue. He explained exactly what was going on with Ceasar. He was having an allergic reaction to the ointment.

It wasn’t uncommon for animals to have allergic reactions to seemingly normal things. Thankfully, he also had a solution to their problems.

An Allergy Shot


The veterinarian told the anxious couple that everything would be okay after he gave Ceasar a special allery shot. If everything went well, it would fix him up well and make sure that he didn’t have any problems when exposed to the ointment.

With the shot given to Ceasar, the three of them went home. They just had to wait and see what would happen.

Checking The Next Day


They had to wait through the night to the next day to see if the shot had worked. They anxiously slept, hoping that both their dog and their son were alright. The ointment had been rubbed onto Mick like normal.

The next morning, Glen woke up and went into Mick’s bedroom, he had to see if it had worked.

Caesar’s Paws


Glen checked Ceasar’s paws, he couldn’t believe what he saw. They looked perfect! There was no redness on his paws and he wasn’t licking them. It seemed that they had finally found a solution to their problem.

With that solved, they could now look forward to finding a way to integrate their dog and their son into a better sleeping arrangement.

It Was A Relief 

Youtube – Wonderbot Animals

Now that the mystery was solved, Mick and Georgia were relieved. It was also the perfect time since they noticed that Mick had outgrown his crib, they had to figure out a solution to their newest problem.. 

After reviewing the footage together and watching the adorable scene over and over, the couple knew what they had to do.

A Dilemma


They now had a new dilemma. It wasn’t bad at all but they had to find a way to make the sleeping arrangements with their dog and their son work. Now that the crib was sold, they had to make a decision.

They knew it would be an important one. It would be a longterm investment and it had to count.

The New Arrangement 

Youtube – Wonderbot Animals

It was clear that Mick and Caesar were not separating, so the couple decided to make them more comfortable instead. 

With the crib removed, a brand new double bed was put in so Mick and Caesar could now sleep beside each other every night. The new arrangement was adorable, but there was just one thing missing. 

The New Sign

The Dodo

When Glen and Georgia first chose their new house, they never imagined that the “baby room” would end up having two occupants so soon. Since it was clear Caesar would not be moving out, there was just one change left to make. 

Glen went to the hardware store and bought some paint, wood, and a wall hanger. He came home and got to work on his project.

“Mick And Ceasar’s Room”


After an hour of working with the wood and the paint, Glen showed his creation to Georgia. She was proud of her husband. Now all that Glen had to do was walk up to his son’s bedroom door and make the change.

Taking down the first sign that hung on the door, Glen replaced it with one that now read, “Mick and Caesar’s Room.”

Sailing Smoothly


Things seemed to sail smoothly for the family once they had solved all of their problems. Their faithful canine continued to sleep in their son’s new bed while they sometimes watched on the monitor. 

They knew things couldn’t get any better. They had a nice house, a happy dog, and a wonderful child.

In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.