Dog Waits At Same Spot For 4 Years Until Owner Realizes What’s Wrong


Strange Habit

This had been going on for far too long. Martin watched as his loyal companion snuck out of the door once again.

He never used to be any concern to him. He liked that his dog was a free spirit who went where he pleased. Some considered him more of a cat than a dog.

A Phone Call


Martin never fussed over where his dog went while he was at work. In all honesty, as long as he came back home for dinner, he didn’t mind. But that’s when he got an alarming phone call one day.

He was sitting at work when his phone rang. The person on the other side of the phone told him that they had found his dog and called the number on his tag. Martin was about to tell him to leave him alone, but then he told him something unexpected.

A Far Way Away


Martin was going to tell the man on the phone that his dog could go where he pleased. But when the man told him where his dog had ended up, alarm bells went off in his head.

Concern immediately shot through his system as he wondered how it was even possible for his loyal canine to end up that far away and why he even wanted to go that far.



Martin decided that this was worth looking into. How did his dog end up nearly 20 miles away from his home and then make it back by the time Martin got back from work?

But the closer Martin looked into the strange phenomenon, the more he realized that his dog had a history that he wasn’t aware of. He didn’t really know his dog at all.

Watching The Footage


Martin decided to set up a small pet camera on his dog’s collar. It was concealed well enough and wasn’t heavy enough to cause any problems. This was the way he’d find out the truth.

But when Martin decided to check the footage on the camera, his face turned to horror as he understood nothing would ever be the same in his life again.

Martin Tennaman


Martin Tennamen didn’t need much in his life to make him happy. He actually counted himself lucky to live in one of the less populated towns in Oregon. The beautiful woodlands that surrounded his house kept his mind at peace.

But he could never do it without his companion either. If not for Waffle, his golden retriever, he’d be living a solitary life. But his dog had secrets of his own.

A Dog


Until then, he’d always been a loner, never finding much pleasure in the company of others. He had always focused more on his job in the lumber yard than anything else.

But one day, while coming home from a long day of work, he found a dog on the side of the road. They looked scruffy and abandoned. He whistled, and they hopped into his truck.



Martine still remembered how he named the stray golden retriever. He had a leftover breakfast sitting in his car from that morning. The poor dog looked so hungry that he happily gave it to them.

They wolfed down the Waffle, and that’s when it just clicked. He decided to name them Waffles. He had a tag made and put a collar on them.

Not A Normal Dog


Over the next few months, Martin learned that his new companion was anything but a normal dog. He had peculiar habits like preferring to lie underneath his desk other than anywhere else.

Martin chalked it up to feeling sheltered, something he didn’t have for a long time. But the strangest habit was his independence. Martin never worried about it, but maybe he should have.

Going Where He Wanted


Waffles was the opposite of a house dog. As a side effect of being a stray, he preferred to go where the wind took him.

Martin assumed his new canine friend was just stretching his legs and walking around the property, looking for things to entertain himself until his new owner got home from work. But it went much deeper than he could have ever guessed.

Always The Same


Like clockwork, Waffles would come out of the front door at the same time as Martin did. While Martin climbed into his truck and headed for work, he watched the canine in his rearview mirror making his way into the woodland.

It never concerned Martin since he was always back in time for dinner when he got back from work. But someone was about to give him a reason for concern.

His Phone Buzzed


Martin was cataloging the newest lumber haul and making sure they were all loaded into the trucks at his work to go to their warehouses. That’s when he got a phone call, something that didn’t happen very often.

He didn’t recognize the number and had half a mind to ignore it. But he felt a gut feeling telling him to answer it.

Regarding His Dog


He heard the sound of a man on the other side of the phone. They told him that they had found his dog and called the number on his tag. Martin was about to tell him to leave him alone, but then he told him something unexpected.

He thought that they would say they were a mile away from his home at the most. But the truth was going to make them question his dog’s behavior.

Feeling Concerned


Martin was going to tell the man on the phone that his dog could go where he pleased. But when the man told him where his dog had ended up, alarm bells went off in his head.

Concern immediately shot through his system as he wondered how it was even possible for his loyal canine to end up that far away and why he even wanted to go that far.

20 Miles Away


Martin decided that this was worth looking into. How did his dog end up nearly 20 miles away from his home and then make it back by the time Martin got back from work?

Still, Martin told the man to leave his dog where he found him. He wanted to see something. If he had to, he’d go looking for the dog, but he trusted his gut.

Making It Back Home


Martin headed home after his shift finished and wondered if he was right or not. But once he drove up his long driveway to his home, he saw what he thought he would – Waffles.

The dog had managed to make it home before he got there despite being 20 miles away just a few hours prior. What was he doing so far away? How did he even manage such a feat?

Looking Into It


But the closer Martin looked into the strange phenomenon, the more he realized that his dog had a history he wasn’t aware of. He didn’t really know his dog at all.

Martin knew he couldn’t buy the word of a total stranger about his dog going away while he was at work. Didn’t he just find Waffles waiting for him when he got home? But things were about to get weird very fast.

Life As Usual


Martin and Waffles continued life as usual, and for the next three days, nothing out of the ordinary happened. Although Martin didn’t believe that his dog was leaving daily while he was away, he was vigilant and ever-watchful. 

He couldn’t stomach a world where his best friend wasn’t around. Although many would see Waffles as just a dog, to Martin, he was something more. 

A Lonely Life


You see, before meeting Waffles, Martin had thought he’d always be alone. He’d spent most of his life by himself, always depending on and caring for himself. 

He’d faced rejection from many people, from friends and family to potential romantic partners. His life had lost color, turning into a pallid grey that constantly dogged him. But everything changed the day he met Waffles. 

A Flicker Of Hope


The dog ignited something within Martin, a hopeful flicker that brought with it vibrant colors, enchanting sounds, and intoxicating smells. 

The world around him, which had once been dull and lifeless, was slowly taking shape. Martin knew he could only attribute this to his new friend. He had no idea what the future held for them. 

Something Meaningful


As the days passed, Martin and Waffles grew closer as companions. Seeing that he had something meaningful in his life, Martin strived to give Waffles the best life ever. 

He bought the dog all he needed, from food to toys, anything to make his stay comfortable. He even booked him a few visits to the vet, anything to make sure Waffles was doing great. So when he heard that the dog was leaving every day, he couldn’t understand it. 

A Previous Home 


Martin wondered if he might have stolen the dog from someone when he welcomed him into his home. He wondered if some kid was worried sick over his missing dog. 

But Martin didn’t find any tags on Waffles the first day they met. He couldn’t have had a home. But why was the dog leaving every day, if he was even leaving at all? It was a mystery to Martin.

Very Fond Of Him


He hoped that Waffles wasn’t longing for someone else. He had grown very fond of his furry friend and hoped that the dog would choose to stay with him in the end.

But it still bothered him that Waffles was wandering around when he wasn’t home.

What if something happened to him while Martin was at work? He was very worried.

Up To Something


Where could the dog possibly be going in his absence? Wasn’t he happy?

Martin didn’t know, but he vowed to find out. If someone was saying the dog was up to something, it was up to him to try to figure out what was going on.

Waffles didn’t show any signs of distress, so what could it be that he was after?

The Hidden Truth


In his quest to uncover the truth about Waffles’ peculiar behavior, Martin decided to take matters into his own hands.

He knew that something was amiss, and he couldn’t just sit idly by while his loyal companion was hiding secrets.

And he didn’t want anything to happen to the dog. He needed a solution before it was too late.

An Idea 


He had a vague idea of what he was going to do, but he just didn’t know if it was going to work.

With Waffles walking around for miles, he didn’t know if his plan would pan out how he would want it to.

But it was worth a try nonetheless. It made him nervous to think about what Waffles was keeping from him.

Mind Racing


The dog wasn’t acting out of the ordinary when they were together. It was just when Martin wasn’t home. Martin’s mind raced with all the possibilities of what his dog could be involved in.

He had read so many stories of criminals using animals to do their dirty work for them.

Was this the case with Waffles? Martin hoped it was not.

An Odd Occurrence


Martin was still pondering the matter when something odd happened. He’d forgotten his toolbox at home that day and had to rush home to pick it up. 

Usually, Waffles would be waiting for him either on the driveway or inside. Sometimes he’d come rushing out of the doggy-doot, wagging his tail as he greeted Martin. But today was different. 

Nowhere To Be Found


Waffles was nowhere to be found. “Waffles,” Martin called as he stepped out of his vehicle. He looked around, calling again. But his dog didn’t show up.

As someone who’d had a dog in his younger years, Martin knew just how responsive they were. He knew that calling a dog once usually had them rushing over. So why wasn’t Waffles responding to him?



A worried Martin started looking around the compound, calling out for his poor dog. “Waffles,” he cried out frantically. “Come here, boy!” 

But there was no answer. He hurried into the house, finding that Waffles had left. But where did the dog go? It was then that it dawned on Martin that the person who called him earlier might have been telling the truth. 

The Calls Aren’t Going Through


Martin spent that day worried sick over his dog. He tried calling the guy who’d reported seeing Waffles the previous week, but the call went unanswered. 

Martin’s shift was barely over before he rushed home to see if Waffles was there. But he was barely up the driveway when his eyes landed on a sight that left him speechless. 

He’s Home! 


Right there on his front porch was Waffles, wagging his tail as he patiently waited for Martin to turn off his engine. As soon as the car died down and Martin threw his door open, the dog bolted to him, welcoming him with a thousand kisses. 

“Where were you?” an emotional Martin asked as he petted Waffles. He’d imagined how miserable he’d been before meeting Waffles. “You had me worried sick!”

A Dog’s Apology


Waffles couldn’t speak, but his apologetic eyes spoke volumes. Martin’s heart melted as he looked into those deep, soulful eyes. He hugged his furry friend tightly, still bewildered by the strange turn of events.

Although he was relieved that Waffles had returned safely, Martin’s curiosity and concern continued to nag at him.

He needed to find out where Waffles went during the day and why he felt the need to keep it a secret.

Was He Close?


What exactly was this dog up to, and how had he managed so many miles without any food or water for the day?

No wonder he gobbled up his food and water as soon as Martin put it out for him.

Was Martin close to finding out what mission Waffles went on a daily basis? 



He was more than intrigued. As Waffles jumped up and down to greet him, Martin crouched down and stroked his thick beige fur.

“Where do you go, boy? People have been talking about you wandering the streets. What’s going on?” he asked the dog, looking into his loyal eyes.

But Waffles only licked Martin’s face as if to tell him not to worry.

Still Worried


Martin stepped inside his house to get his toolbox, and Waffles followed him like a shadow. He knew this dog loved him as much as he loved it. But he was still very worried.

He sat down for a moment to ponder his next move while Waffles snacked on some of his food.

“You have to meet me halfway here, pal. Will you show me where you go every day?” he asked, hoping Waffles could reply to him.

Stay Put!


He grabbed his box and hoped Waffles would be staying inside for the rest of the day.

But as he got in his truck, he saw how Waffles came outside. It looked like he was getting ready to hit the road again.

“Stay there, boy. I won’t be long, I promise. Just stay put!” he shouted from his truck.

He’s Not Concerned 


Waffles didn’t seem in the least concerned about his daily whereabouts. Martin did not have a problem with it before. But that was when he firmly believed his dog barely left the neighborhood.

Slowly but surely, the idea of his dog being in danger drilled into his mind, giving him sleepless nights and days lost in thought. He needed to get to the root of everything before it was too late.

Get A Camera 


It was then that Martin had the idea to use a camera on his dog. He could check the footage after Waffles returned. He thought about the best camera to use. 

Since he was strapped for cash, he’d have to find something in the house. He couldn’t just go out and buy a camera. But his life would never be the same when he saw the footage. 

The Only Way Forward 


Martin decided there was only one way he would really understand what his dog was doing every day. He spent the entire night searching for a camera in his house.  

He was sure he had a small GoPro lying around. Martin was convinced it would be perfect for unveiling this mystery, unaware of what awaited him.

He’s On Edge 


Like any dog parent, Martin was on edge after learning about his pup’s behavior. He’d thought Waffles was the best boy ever. The dog had been this and more to him. 

Martin didn’t want to imagine that the little guy usually walked across town for unknown reasons. He knew he wouldn’t be able to rest until he got to the bottom of this issue. 

Not Much To Go On


But how could he proceed when the only thing he had to go on was the word of a total stranger? He also couldn’t get Waffles to talk because of course, dogs can’t talk. The camera would be his only way out. 

With his mind racing, Martin decided that he’d use his camera. He’d still need to ensure it wouldn’t be too bulky for Waffles. The truth would soon come out. 

Setting It Up


Martin decided to set up a small pet camera on his dog’s collar. It was concealed well enough and wasn’t heavy enough to cause any problems. This was the way he’d find out the truth.

Waffles didn’t seem to even notice the camera was hanging from his neck. This was exactly what Martin wanted. Now he’d just have to be patient and see what he got up to the next day.



Martin went to work again the next day, but his mind was lingering on what his dog was doing. He would find out soon; he just had to make it home and check the memory card inside the camera.

Finally, his shift ended, and he made his way home. But when he decided to check the footage on the camera, his face turned to horror as he understood nothing would ever be the same in his life again.

The Footage


Martin found Waffles waiting for him at home when he got back. He fed him his dinner and took the memory card from the camera to his laptop. He navigates to the recording and hit play.

He watched his dog walking through the woodlands, then starting to pick up the pace as he started making a beeline for the road. He walked alongside it for miles until a familiar place came into view.

A Gas Station


Martin watched as his dog headed to a gas station 20 miles away from his home. But the closer he got, the more familiar it was. Then it clicked. He knew which gas station that was.

This was the very road that he had found Waffles a few months ago. He seemed to walk confidently to the small convenience store that was attached to the building.

A Double Life


Waffles waltzed into the gas station and started walking down the aisles. Martin felt like he was watching some kind of fictional movie; what was going on? Then Waffles made his way to the counter.

Martin expected the clerk to tell the dog to get lost, but he was glad he had sound recording too. He heard, “There you are, Waffles! How’s your new owner treating you?”

Getting A Treat


The cheerful clerk seemed to know Waffles. He took a stick of jerky from the counter and gave it to Waffles. He stroked the dog like he had done it before.

Martin knew that he had to make his way down there if he wanted to find out what was really going on when he was at work. He grabbed his coat and led Waffles into his truck. They were going for a ride.

Figuring Things Out


Martin drove twenty miles to the gas station from the GoPro; he knew the place relatively well and even got gas there a number of times over the years.

But he’d never gone into the store. It was the first time he walked through the automatic doors and looked the clerk in the eyes. But it was his dog that had the biggest reaction.

The Clerk


The clerk’s eyes lit up when he saw the dog by Martin’s side. It was the same one from the footage and would be able to explain everything that was going on.

“Hi. I believe you know my dog?” He said to the clerk. He seemed ecstatic to see the animal; there was no hiding the truth from Martin. He decided to admit everything to him on the spot.

A Long Relationship


“Waffles, or Scraps before you adopted him, has been coming here for years. He just arrived one day begging for food. I decided to give him something, and that was that. ”

The clerk continued, “Ever since then, he’s come to my store for his daily snack. But one day, I noticed something very strange. But I was so glad when I saw it.”

A Collar


“I affectionately called him Scraps since that’s all he was ever after when he came here. But one day, I noticed something. His fur was clean and washed, and more importantly, he had a tag on his collar.”

“I was so happy because that meant someone had finally taken him off the street, he’d been waiting around here for 4 years before you finally took him in. Afterward, I was still surprised to see him coming here, but I guess he got attached to me too!” The clerk said with a smile.

Understanding It All


Martin looked at his pooch, who was wagging his tail in excitement. He must have been expecting a treat since he was in the store. Martin watched as a new interaction unfolded.

The clerk smiled and said, “You already got your treat today!” Before staring back at Martin, “I really shouldn’t feed him anymore since now he has a warm home, but I just can’t help it.”

One, Please!


Martin stared at the two, and his heart warmed. “I’ll take a stick of jerk, please,” He asked the clerk. He seemed to understand what he was doing and smiled and gave him the stick.

Martin paid with cash and gave the jerky to Waffles, who wolfed it down. The clerk and Martin laughed together at the loveable pooch that had unexpectedly come into their lives.

A New Bond Is Grown


Martin felt a lot better now that he understood where his dog was going every day. As a cherry on top, it was good to know that Waffles had friends outside of his relationship with him.

Furthermore, as more time passed, a bond between the clerk and Martin developed.

He learned that his name was Rodney, and he even invited him back to his house for a beer and to play with Waffles while he wasn’t working.

An Unexpected Friendship


As the days went by, Martin and Rodney struck up an unexpected friendship. They found themselves sharing stories, laughter, and countless beers in the evenings.

Waffles seemed to relish the new company and the extra treats he received at the gas station.

It seemed like he was very happy that his two human friends were getting along so well.

A Soft Spot For Dogs


It turned out that Rodney had a soft spot for dogs and had been feeding strays for years.

He was genuinely happy to see Waffles living a comfortable life with Martin, but he couldn’t resist the joy of their occasional meetings.

It helped him get through his shift at the store, and he relished the new company that he had.

Regular Visitors


As their friendship grew stronger, Martin started to visit the gas station regularly, not just to chat with Rodney but also to pick up some jerky treats for Waffles. 

The bond between them deepened, and Martin realized that he had not only gained a loyal dog but also a new friend in Rodney.

Martin even invited Rodney over to his place for a barbecue and more chats around the grill.

At Ease


With time, Martin’s initial concerns about Waffles’ secret outings faded away. He now knew the truth, and he was content knowing that his dog had a special connection with Rodney. 

Waffles continued to enjoy his daily adventures and occasional visits to the gas station while never forgetting to return home to Martin.

Rodney made sure that he returned back in time for dinner.

Bringing Joy


Life settled into a comfortable routine, and the unexpected turn of events had enriched Martin’s life in more ways than he could have imagined.

Waffles had brought not only joy but also a true friend into his world, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

The three friends continued to enjoy each other’s company for years down the line.