Dog Keeps Digging Up Neighbor’s Yard Until Officers Open Missing Child Case


Racing To The Fence

Donald felt sweat bead on his forehead as he raced towards the fence. He knew exactly what was happening, but why?

He could hear the sound of growling once again. This wasn’t the first time it had happened.

He had enough on his plate without having to worry about calling his dog from his neighbor’s yard. But if he had known what his dog was trying to tell him, he would have hopped the fence himself.

Opening A Case


The father was shattered. He couldn’t believe it had already been two months since his darling son had disappeared. He could still remember the look on his face when he’d last seen him.

The police had told him that there wasn’t much else they could do now that he had been missing for so long.

All they could do was officially open up a missing child case. It wasn’t enough for the father.

Not Good Enough


Donald was malding. He couldn’t believe the police had already given up the search. He wasn’t so easily turned off.

He decided to take matters into his own hands, even if the chance of finding his boy was so slim.

But he had other things to worry about. Ammy, his son’s husky dog, acted strangely ever since he had disappeared. He had to keep her in check.

Looking At All The Clues


The dad spent the next week becoming obsessed with his son’s disappearance. He drew out a map of his neighborhood and thought about where the boy had disappeared. It was right on his doorstep.

He looked at all of the nearby places his son could have gone to, but none of them added up.

He wouldn’t have been able to make it far. That’s when he started looking closer to home.

His Neighbor


Donald heard his dog barking once again. He shook his head and raced back outside. Ammy had dove back into the neighbor’s backyard.

He called her to come back, but there was no response.

He got a step ladder and popped his head over the fence to see where she’d gone, but that’s when he saw it.

A Hole


Ammy was indeed in his neighbor’s yard, but for the first time, Donald actually saw what trouble she was getting into.

She had been digging a massive hole in his neighbor’s backyard. How had he not noticed?

Then he remembered. He had seen his neighbor catching an Uber from their house just after his son had disappeared. What a coincidence.

Empty Yard


That’s when Donald made a decision that would change his life forever. He decided to hop on the fence and investigate what his dog was trying to show him.

He landed on the grass and looked around.

He didn’t see anyone come out to shout at him. His neighbor must have been on vacation, or was it something more sinister? 

Horrors Inside


Ammy started barking with more intensity as her owner got closer and closer to what had been hidden in the neighbor’s backyard. With every step, he felt his pulse start to race.

Donald finally got to the edge of the hole and watched her jump out and bark with a higher intensity.

The dad stared into the hole and saw the horrors that were buried within. Nothing would be the same again.

Donald Hill


Donald Hill loved nothing more than his son. He still remembered the day that he was born. He would do anything for the young boy and protect him with his life.

Little Jeremy was only seven years old and still very curious about the world around him.

Seeing all kinds of wonders out of the window of Donald’s car, he wanted to go visit them. 

Jeremy Hill


Little Jeremy could barely be contained inside of the house. His mother, Mary, and father, Donald, struggled to stop him from exploring further than he was supposed to.

It was for his seventh birthday that Donald decided to get him a gift that satisfied his curiosity. It was a plastic trike.

The clever dad knew he wouldn’t get very far with it, but to Jeremy, it would seem like he had independence. Plus, he made sure the family dog, Ammy, was always out with him when he was playing.

Wonderful Child


Mary and Donald would watch their son play on the pavement right in front of their house.

It was the only place he could really use the trike since it just got stuck on the patch of grass in their backyard.

The parents made sure to always be watching like a pair of hawks when Jeremy was propelling himself up and down the pavement. He knew not to go in the road, and kept to his promise like a good boy. But no one knew something was coming for him.

A Day Like Any Other


It was a morning like any other. Jeremy was begging his dad to let him ride his trike outside, but he was busy working in his office.

He was lucky enough to work from home, but he couldn’t watch Jeremy while he was working.

He then turned to his mother, Mary. But the answer was going to be disappointingly similar to his father’s.

No One Around


“Sorry, sweetheart. I have to prepare lunch, so you’ll just have to play inside until I’m done here, okay?” She said with a reassuring smile. But it wasn’t good enough for little Jeremy.

It seemed that he was well aware that no one was going to be around to watch him.

That’s when the small boy took the first steps towards making a terrible and tragic mistake.



With his parents busy, little Jeremy looked at the front door of their home. It was rarely locked since their neighborhood was one of the safest areas in town. They were none the wiser to his scheme.

Jeremy’s face curled into a smile as he glanced at his trike and the door in front of him.

He carefully reached up and turned the doorknob. To his glee, the door breezed open. No one would stop him from rebelling.

No Supervision


Neither parent heard the pitter-pattering of Jeremy’s little feet as he rushed outside carrying his trike, which may have been a full sound bike with how heavy it felt to him.

The grin on his face couldn’t be beaten by anything. The elation he felt when he hopped on his bike was unparalleled.

But he wasn’t aware that something was watching him.

A Presence


A presence was completely aware of Jeremy playing right in front of his house.

It could never capitalize on the opportunity when the parents were watching. But this time, there was no one in the window watching him.

The presence, watching from the shadows, took full advantage of this. The boy was beaming with joy, but the next moment, he was gone.

Bloodcurdling Scream


A few minutes after Donald had headed into his office to get some work done, he heard a bloodcurdling scream and a bark from downstairs. He sprinted down the stairs two at a time.

He found the front door wide open, his wife on her knees, and his dog barking in their front yard.

He ran up to see what had happened, but that’s when he saw the black molded plastic on the gravel. It was crushed.



He didn’t understand what was going on. He looked around; his son wasn’t anywhere, but he saw the black plastic trike on the road. It had been crushed by what must have been a car.

But if his son had been on the bike when it had happened, he would have still been there.

He also knew his son would never have gone on the road with it. Things didn’t add up.

Police Report


Half an hour later, the police were on the scene and talking to the parents. Donald told them that their son would never have run away from home. Something must have happened to him.

The cops assured him that they’d do everything in their power to find his son.

He put his faith in their resources. For now, he had to console Mary, who was a wreck.



Over the next few weeks, the police conducted thorough searches for the boy all over the neighborhood.

But tragically, they came up empty-handed every time.

Even Mary and Donald conducted searches of their own. They looked in all the places he might have wandered off to, but he wasn’t there. It seemed that no matter where they looked, he just wasn’t there.

Ammy Acting Up


Ever since the day Jeremy had disappeared, Ammy had been acting up.

Donald had found her more than once in the neighbor’s yard. He had to call her back. No matter how many times he fixed the fence, she’d dig her way underneath it.

He vowed to think of a permanent solution in the future, but for now, his mind was solely on his lost boy. But he should have paid attention to his dog more closely.



The father was shattered. He couldn’t believe it had already been two months since his darling son had disappeared.

He could still remember the look on his face when he’d last seen him.

The police had told him that there wasn’t much else they could do now that he had been missing for so long. All they could do was officially open up a missing child case. It wasn’t enough for the father.

Given Up


Donald was malding. He couldn’t believe the police had already given up the search.

He wasn’t so easily turned off. He decided to take matters into his own hands, even if the chance of finding his boy was so slim.

But he had other things to worry about. Ammy, his son’s husky dog, acted strangely ever since he had disappeared. He had to keep her in check.

Closer To Home


The dad spent the next week becoming obsessed with his son’s disappearance.

He drew out a map of his neighborhood and thought about where the boy had disappeared. It was right on his doorstep.

He looked at all of the nearby places his son could have gone to, but none of them added up. He wouldn’t have been able to make it far. That’s when he started looking closer to home.

Barking Again


Donald heard his dog barking once again. He shook his head and raced back outside.

Ammy had dove back into the neighbor’s backyard. He called her to come back, but there was no response.

He got a step ladder and popped his head over the fence to see where she’d gone, but that’s when he saw it.

Neighbor’s Yard


Ammy was indeed in his neighbor’s yard, but for the first time, Donald actually saw what trouble she was getting into.

She had been digging a massive hole in his neighbor’s backyard. How had he not noticed?

Then he remembered. He had seen his neighbor catching an Uber from their house just after his son had disappeared. What a coincidence.

No One Around


That’s when Donald made a decision that would change his life forever. He decided to hop on the fence and investigate what his dog was trying to show him.

He landed on the grass and looked around.

He didn’t see anyone come out to shout at him. His neighbor must have been on vacation, or was it something more sinister? 

Something Inside


Ammy started barking with more intensity as her owner got closer and closer to what had been hidden in the neighbor’s backyard. With every step, he felt his pulse start to race.

Donald finally got to the edge of the hole and watched her jump out and bark with a higher intensity.

The dad stared into the hole and saw the horrors that were buried within. Nothing would be the same again.

A Hatch


Donald couldn’t believe what he saw. Inside of the hole sat a hatch. It looked like an old fallout bunker.

The dirt was freshly packed, which meant someone had recently buried it.

Donald reached down and turned the heavy handle to open the metal door. As he did so, Ammy zipped inside. Donald was quick to follow. It was dark, but he found the light switch.



Donald flicked the light switch but saw something he shouldn’t have. His son was there, sleeping on a metal frame bed. He couldn’t believe his eyes. Was he dreaming? He ran up to his boy and picked him up. He ran back to the house, where Mary started weeping at the sight of her boy. They did two things from there. Donald called the police while Mary took Jeremy to the hospital. 

The police were more than happy to put out a warrant for Donald’s neighbor. He would be arrested if he ever came back to the town. As for Jeremy, the doctor told Mary that not even a hair on his head had been harmed.  They thanked their lucky stars that he had been found, and it was all thanks to Ammy. Jeremy would remember the ordeal for years to come, but he knew to never put himself in the same situation again.

In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.