Hombre Abandona A Una Adolescente Embarazada Y Un Policía Se Presenta En El Juzgado Con Un “Regalito” De Despedida


A Cubierto

El hombre gritaba de dolor. Le dolía todo el cuerpo.

Había sangre por todas partes. No podía ver de dónde venía.

Su hijo seguía sentado a su lado. Intentó ver si su hijo estaba herido, pero había tanta sangre que no podía distinguirlo.

Un Buen Hombre


Randel Thompson era un padre devoto, un marido cariñoso y un pilar de su comunidad.

Vivía una vida sencilla pero satisfactoria, dando siempre prioridad a su familia. 

Todas las mañanas se levantaba temprano para dejar a su hijo en el colegio antes de ir a trabajar. No se imaginaba que ese día aparentemente normal daría un vuelco a su vida.

Un Día Libre


Randel también era policía, pero esa mañana no estaba de servicio. Estaba acostumbrado a vivir en la tranquila y apacible ciudad suburbana de Greenwood.

Era un padre devoto de su hijo de ocho años, Ethan, y apreciaba cada momento que pasaban juntos. 

Esta mañana no llevaba pistola. Randel no sabía que aquella mañana cambiaría su vida para siempre.



El cariñoso padre estaba ocupado hablando con su hijo, no vio que alguien les estaba espiando.

“Asegúrate de entregar todos tus deberes, hijo”, le dijo su padre.

Encontraron un aparcamiento cerca del colegio y procedieron a recoger sus pertenencias. “Hoy te acompaño dentro”, le dijo Randle a su hijo.

Estar A Salvo


Cuando Randel aparcó el coche cerca del colegio, se fijó en un joven de expresión preocupada que merodeaba cerca.

Sin que él lo supiera, se trataba de Kevin Robins, un adolescente errático con un historial de inestabilidad mental. 

Kevin había sido consumido por la ira y la frustración; tuvo una infancia traumática. Estuvo en un centro de detención de menores la mayor parte de su vida y recientemente había sido puesto en libertad.

Ojos Vigilantes


Sin que Randel lo supiera, Kevin llevaba un arma ese día, con la mente nublada por la ira y la confusión.

Mientras Randel acompañaba a su hijo a la entrada del colegio, el comportamiento errático de Kevin fue en aumento. 

Nadie se fijó en el solemne adolescente que acechaba tras el muro de la escuela. Estaba buscando un objetivo. ¿A quién elegiría hoy como víctima?

Un Motivo Para La Venganza


Kevin tenía los ojos enrojecidos de tanto llorar. Sentía que no pertenecía a ningún sitio, y el único lugar que le parecía su hogar era su antiguo colegio.

Fue el último lugar donde vio a sus padres antes de que lo abandonaran.

Tal vez algo en el joven tenía la esperanza de volver a encontrar a sus padres. Estaba deprimido y asustado, sentía que el mundo le había arrebatado.

Decir Adiós


Mientras Randel y Ethan caminaban hacia la entrada de la escuela, el comportamiento errático de Kevin se intensificó y, sin previo aviso, sacó una pistola.

El pánico se apoderó de los alumnos y los padres, que se apresuraron a ponerse a salvo. 

El padre, alerta, oyó los gritos y se volvió para enfrentarse a su agresor. Era el que estaba más cerca de Kevin. “Hijo mío, baja el arma”, le dijo con voz severa. Cuando levantó la mano para intentar calmar a Kevin, se desató el infierno.

Asaltante Armado


Sin previo aviso, Kevin apuntó su arma y disparó. Cuatro balas atravesaron el cuerpo de Randel, dejándolo retorciéndose de dolor en los terrenos de la escuela.

El sonido de los disparos resonó en toda la escuela, sembrando el pánico entre alumnos y profesores.

¿Por qué estaba haciendo esto? “¡Cúbranse!”, gritó alguien.

Un Adolescente Problemático


En medio del caos, el arma de Kevin se disparó varias veces, y Randel sintió un dolor atroz que le atravesaba el cuerpo.

Las cuatro balas dieron en el blanco, atravesaron la carne de Randel y lo dejaron tendido en el suelo, agonizando.

El pánico y el miedo se apoderaron del recinto escolar, mientras padres, profesores y alumnos pedían ayuda desesperadamente. 

Arrepentimiento Inmediato


Kevin se quedó mirando cómo Randle se retorcía de dolor en el suelo de cemento.

Su camiseta estaba salpicada de sangre.  Su hijo gritaba a su lado. Los padres gritaban y corrían en todas direcciones.

“¿Qué he hecho?” murmuró Kevin para sus adentros. “¡Lo siento!”, gritó. Dejó caer la pistola al suelo y salió corriendo. No miró atrás.

Salvar vidas


Un profesor acudió a ayudar a Randle. “Sr. Thompson, ¿puede oírme?”. Randle gemía de agonía, pero seguía consciente. “¿Ethan?”, dijo en voz baja. Sólo le preocupaba su hijo.

El pequeño se inclinó junto a su padre y le dijo: “Estoy bien papá, pero a ti te han disparado”.

Randle miró a su hijo: “¿Le has atrapado?”, preguntó. El profesor intentó detener la hemorragia: “Lo haremos, señor Thompson”, dijo convencido.



El servicial profesor intentó evitar que Randle perdiera demasiada sangre.

Le costaba moverse, pero era un buey y aguantó.

La ambulancia no tardó en llegar y Randel fue trasladado al hospital más cercano, con la vida en juego. ¿Llegaría Randle a tiempo?

Qué Mundo Este


La mente de Randle estaba llena de preocupación. Como policía, ya se había visto en situaciones peligrosas, pero todo esto había sucedido tan deprisa.

Estaba enfadado consigo mismo.

No estaba preparado y le habían pillado desprevenido. Hoy, él era la víctima y, por desgracia, Randel se convirtió en el blanco involuntario de su ira. Quería vengarse de su agresor.

Detener La Sangre


Los médicos de urgencias intentaron detener la hemorragia. Randle tenía cuatro heridas, en la cara, los brazos, el estómago y la pierna. Le quedarían cicatrices por todo el cuerpo.

La rápida respuesta del personal del colegio y de los servicios de emergencia salvó la vida de Randel.

Fue trasladado de urgencia al hospital, aferrado a la consciencia, con los pensamientos consumidos por el bienestar de su familia. 

En Pie De Guerra


La noticia del terrible incidente se extendió rápidamente por la comunidad.

La gente estaba conmocionada y consternada por el acto de violencia sin sentido que había sufrido Randel, un hombre que siempre había mostrado bondad hacia los demás.

Durante toda su estancia en el hospital, sólo pensó en una cosa. En una dulce venganza. Se aseguraría de que ese gamberro recibiera su merecido. Pero acabaría yendo demasiado lejos.

Buenos Deseos


De todos los rincones de la ciudad llegaban plegarias y buenos deseos, que le apoyaban en su lucha por la supervivencia.

¿Sobreviviría el policía?

Empleó todas sus fuerzas para sobrevivir. Si no lo conseguía, ¿quién se aseguraría de que el chico de la pistola no siguiera en las calles poniendo en peligro a todo el mundo? Recurriría a su lado oscuro para encargarse de la basura que le disparó.

Estamos Aquí Por Ti


Dentro de las estériles paredes de la sala de urgencias, médicos y enfermeras luchaban incansablemente por salvar la vida de Randel.

Las horas se alargaron hasta convertirse en una agonía mientras le sometían a múltiples intervenciones quirúrgicas para extraerle las balas y reparar los daños que le habían causado. 

Un Accidente Horrible


El hospital se convirtió en un santuario de esperanza y desesperación, un campo de batalla entre la vida y la muerte. La noticia del terrible accidente corría como la pólvora.

Aunque Randel sobreviviera, pasaría mucho tiempo en el hospital. Durante todo ese tiempo, sólo pensaba en vengarse.

Como policía, había jurado hacer las cosas según las normas. Pero esta vez, tendría que hacer las cosas por debajo de la mesa.

Heridas Abiertas


Los días se convirtieron en semanas, y el estado de Randel mejoró gradualmente.

Contaba con el apoyo de toda la ciudad, luchaba por sobrevivir.

Los corazones de todos se encogían por él. Pensaban que lo que le había ocurrido era una injusticia. Pero si alguien se hubiera enterado de lo que tramaba, se habría indignado.

Road To Recovery


The road to recovery was long and arduous, but his determination never wavered.

With the support of his family and the unwavering love from his wife, Randel regained his strength, both physically and mentally.

He smirked at the opportunity that God had given him. He’d be able to clean up the streets, his own way.

Community Support


Randel’s family and friends gathered at the hospital, their hearts heavy with worry and fear.

Ethan, his innocent eyes filled with tears, clung to his mother’s hand, praying for his father’s recovery. 

Clinging To Life 


Days turned into weeks as Randel clung to life, his strength wavering, but his spirit resilient.

Things were looking good; his body was healing well.

But in the meantime, the justice system was already busy finding the young man who had done such a heinous thing to Randel. This made his even angrier.

His Way


He had spent weeks concocting various forms of things that would make sure the teenager would never hurt anyone again.

Now that he was already being apprehended, this meant that things would go to court.

Randel was glad that he was being taken care of, but he was a little sad he couldn’t pay him back personally for what he put his child through. But then another idea dawned on him.

Search Is On


Meanwhile, the legal system worked to bring Kevin to justice. They found him hiding on an old farm, just outside the town. 

The court hearing was a somber affair, as Randel, now wheelchair-bound, watched from the gallery.

But no one knew exactly what was going through Randel’s mind. He was already coming up with a plan to destroy the young man.

Devoid Of Remorse


Kevin, devoid of remorse, faced the consequences of his reckless actions.

The jury listened to the evidence and testimony, and it became evident that Kevin’s actions had shattered lives irreparably.

He would get what was coming to him from the justice system, but Randel wanted to make sure that he got something else on top of that. He wanted something that made it personal.

Judgment Day


Kevin was apprehended and faced the consequences of his actions. The court proceedings were emotional and tense. 

The evidence against Kevin was overwhelming, and the severity of his crime left no room for leniency.

The judge, recognizing the magnitude of the pain inflicted, handed down a life sentence.

Randel’s Turn


When it was time for Randel to speak, a hush fell over the courtroom.

With determination in his eyes, he addressed Kevin directly. 

He shared his journey of pain, resilience, and forgiveness, expressing his belief that Kevin needed to understand the consequences of his actions fully.

Concocting His Plan


Unbeknownst to the entire courtroom, Randel had been concocting his plan ever since he heard that he’d be in the courtroom with the person who’d shot him and endangered his son.

He had been breeding thoughts of white hot rage and anger the entire time.

As a police officer, he knew that the kid would never learn his lesson unless he did something about it.

Too Far


He had many things that a lot of civilians didn’t have access to as a police officer, and he thought long and hard about what he could do with that power.

He spent many nights in the hospital fantasizing about it.

He knew exactly where it was – in his safe at home. He just wished he had it on him on that fateful day.

Preparing Himself


He had a chance to prepare himself for the court date.

He even managed to go home and put on some propery clothes, as well as other things.

He knew that the kid would get justice now. He had a surprise up his sleeve that he was going to use in court. But he knew no one would approve so he kept it a dark secret.

What Do You Have To Say


As the courtroom emptied after the verdict, Randel remained seated, his eyes fixed on Kevin.

The once vibrant and compassionate man knew that he had a choice to make. 

Revenge and bitterness would only perpetuate the cycle of violence, Randel knew that and should have listened to his gut rather than given in.

Something No One Expected


Randel wheeled himself without warning to Kevin. He didn’t look intimidating in a wheelchair, but no one knew what he was hiding.

In what people believed was an extraordinary act of compassion, Randel reached out to Kevin.

He approached his stand bearing a special gift. He pulled out a small bag. But only Randel knew what was inside.

Felt Pity


Randel stared at his attacker with nothing but pity in his eyes.

He felt sorry for him in truth. What he had done meant that the rest of his days would be spent on the inside of a cell.

So in celebration of that fact, he had found the perfect present for Kevin. He would need it where he was going.

A Sarcastic Present


Randel reached into a small bag he had brought with him, pulling out a seemingly innocent item—a jar of KY jelly.

The courtroom fell into stunned silence as he handed it to Kevin. 

The boy looked down at the item and after a second, it dawned on him what it meant. No one could have expected Randel to pull such a cheeky move in the courtroom. It was the perfect way of getting him back.

Gravity Of His Situation


With a steady voice, Randel explained that he wanted Kevin to understand the gravity of what he had done, as he had left

Randel and his family vulnerable and in need of assistance for the simplest of tasks.

Randel had no idea if he would ever walk again, but he knew that where Kevin was going was a lot worse than life in a wheelchair.

What Does It Mean


With a trembling hand, Randel passed the jar to Kevin, their eyes meeting for the first time since that fateful day.

Kevin looked livid.

Randle’s face contorted in disgust. “You’re going to need this where you are going my boy,” Randel whispered, his voice filled with forgiveness. “May you learn your lesson.”

Full Of Regret


Kevin’s eyes welled up with tears as he clutched the jar tightly. At that moment, a flicker of hope ignited within him, “I’m sorry,” he cried. 

He realized the magnitude of his actions and the lives he had shattered.

Randel’s act of forgiveness was a catalyst for Kevin’s transformation, a chance at redemption that he never thought possible.

Hitting Home Hard


The impact of Randel’s words resonated deeply with the jury.

They saw the strength and compassion he exuded, even in the face of unimaginable pain. 

The gift of KY jelly, a symbol of the difficulties Randel faced in his everyday life, highlighted the consequences of Kevin’s actions in a profound way. Would the young man realize his mistakes?

The Final Say


The jury deliberated carefully, weighing the evidence and the impact of Randel’s gift. In the end, they reached a verdict. 

Although they couldn’t sentence Kevin to death, they were compelled by the gravity of his actions.

Kevin received a life sentence, ensuring that he would pay for his crimes and never harm another innocent person.

Personal Growth


Years passed, and the community witnessed a remarkable change in Kevin.

He not only seemed remorseful, but genuinely sorry for what he had done to the police officer.

Through education programs and introspection, he became an advocate against violence, working tirelessly to prevent other young minds from spiraling down the path he once trod. 

Working With The Government


He worked for the government police system to help other young men find the right path. But he was still incarcerated.

The program did wonders for his mental health and he felt that he could finally put his troubled past behind him.

The shaky teenager that had lashed out at Randel was gone and in his place, a good person was born.

A Local Hero


Randel’s story touched the hearts of many, reminding them of the power of forgiveness and the potential for redemption in life.

In an effort to bring solidarity, Randle met Kevin at the prison and the two planted a vegetable garden together.

The media had a field day but the message was received. Forgive and forget. 

A Safe Place


Police Officer Randel’s strength and resilience became a beacon of hope for his family, friends, and the community. 

Through his painful journey, he taught people the resilience and strength that are needed to keep a community together.

He was the real hero that day with the sacrifices he made so that the lesson could be learned.

Watchful Eye


The town of Greenwood kept a watchful eye over Kevin, and they also hired extra security to be stationed outside the school at all times.

It seemed that the changes that had to be made were made and no one else would be injured for the same reasons. There was a strange change in the air for the better, and no one would forget that.

To protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.