Bride Interrupts Own Wedding, Tell’s Groom’s Ex To Stand



Katie felt all the eyes burning on her, and her wedding dress suddenly started to squeeze her chest. Heat prickled up her slender neck and into her cheeks. Steadying herself, she glanced at the words she had written.

Then she searched the crowd until she found the woman’s face. With her eyes never leaving her husband’s ex and her fiancé’s confession in her mind, she started to read.


Facebook/Katie H. Muss

One date was etched into Katie Hild’s mind. It was the day she had met Jeremy, and it was the day that her life had changed forever. The two had hit it off spectacularly, and even though they had just met, Katie felt her head spinning with the giddiness of new love.

She was blissfully unaware of the bombshell that Jeremy would drop on her.



Katie and Jeremy had a whirlwind romance, and he seemed perfect in every way. Katie felt like she was living a fairytale. Every time her phone pinged, her stomach would flutter in hopes that the message was from him, and if it wasn’t, her heart would plummet.

You see, Jeremy was quite a catch. Katie would soon find out that other women knew it, too.



All Katie could fixate upon was Jeremy. When they weren’t together, she replayed every minute of their time together, carefully storing away every last detail. The way his lower eyelashes rested on his cheek while he checked his phone, the scent he wore — like walnut wood and honey. It wasn’t long before Jeremy proposed, and Katie was over the moon!

But soon, her full heart would be shattered into pieces.

The Fall

Facebook/Katie H. Muss

Katie licked her wounds and wondered how she had gotten to this point. She had been plucked from the dizzying height of her love for Jeremy, and then had fallen to one of the worst lows of her life.

She lay on her bed, and the despair engulfed her like a blanket. She had her phone in her hand and on the screen, the devastating message stared at her contemptuously.

The Message


When Jeremy’s message made its way to Katie’s phone, she was writing her vows. Hearing the notification, she had rushed to read it. She re-read the words carefully, and then suddenly it felt like her heart had been ripped from her chest.

The message was a late-night confession from Jeremy, and he had been hiding something from her for the entire time that they had been together. And in just a few hours was the day of their wedding.


Facebook/Katie Musser

Would Katie go through with the wedding now that she knew what kind of man her fiancé really was? The wedding was paid for in full — there would be no way of ever getting the money back. But by the time she’d made her mind up, it was too late.

She was scheduled to walk down the aisle, but all she wanted to do was curl up into a ball and cry. She couldn’t go through with the ceremony. Or could she?

A Decision

Instagram/Katie Musser

Everything was already all set up for the big day. By the time caterers were already serving food and all the guests had arrived, Katie had no idea what to do. The texts kept swirling in her mind. Anxiety about whether she was doing the right thing overwhelmed her.

Then, she felt an unexpected wave of calmness wash over her. She knew what she was going to do.

She Couldn’t Let It Go

Facebook/Katie Musser

She knew what Jeremy had done during the early period of their relationship, but try as she might, she couldn’t forget it and let it go.

Now, on the day of the wedding, Katie decided to do the only thing she could think of. She had decided to go ahead with the nuptials as expected, but she had an ace up her sleeve. So she got dressed in her beautiful white gown, picked up her bouquet of flowers, and made her way down the aisle.

The Moment Of Truth

ABC News

Katie’s closest friends and loved ones were seated, happiness radiating from their faces as they waited to share the bride’s big moment with her. Jeremy’s mother and father couldn’t have looked prouder when they saw their son standing at the altar, beaming down at them.

None of them noticed Katie’s tear-stained face and stony expression, but when they realized what she was doing, it was too late.

Going Off-Script

Facebook/Katie Musser

As her fiancé looked at her, puzzled, his face fell as he saw hers. He knew immediately that she was not an ecstatic bride-to-be. But he had no idea what was coming.

As the time came for them to say their vows and their “I Do’s,” Katie waited for Jeremy to finish before she went wildly off-script. She pointed out Jeremy’s ex and asked her to stand. So, what had Jeremy confessed that had set all this in motion?

Jeremy’s Confession

Instagram/Katie Musser

Jeremy had revealed to Katie that he had a child. When she had asked him how old the child was, he had replied that he had been born on April 28th. The date hit Katie like a sledgehammer as she tried to grasp what Jeremy was trying to tell her.

Surely there was some sort of mistake?

The Other Woman


Katie was appalled that her husband-to-be would keep such a big secret from her. When she asked who the mother of his child was, she recognized the name instantly. She checked the wedding guest list and sure enough, her name was there.

Now that she knew, there was no going back. Then, Katie suddenly stopped herself from crying. She knew what she had to do.



The date on which Jeremy’s secret son, Landon, had been born was just 11 days after they had met. Katie’s heart filled with anger and disappointment. Jeremy had lied to her for the entire duration of their relationship.

Why hadn’t he told her? And what else was he keeping from her? Could she trust anything he had ever said? But it was only at their wedding that Katie decided to speak up.

The Wedding

Instagram/Katie Musser

Now, with the difficult confession behind them… or so Jeremy had thought, Katie was standing at the altar with Jeremy and was preparing to recite her vows. And she had planned this moment carefully.

Now was finally the time to speak her mind. She started shaking as she picked the mother of Jeremy’s child out from the crowd, and asked her to stand up.


Facebook/Katie H. Muss

Katie started to recite her vows, and the onlookers were mesmerized by her words. She looked pointedly at Jeremy’s ex, Casey, and began to speak. Then, she addressed Landon. But her speech wasn’t anything like anybody had expected.

After a moment of uncertainty, another wave of surprise went through the crowd as everyone fell silent.

A Surprising Speech

Facebook/Katie Musser

“First, I want to thank you for accepting me as your friend and allowing me to be a part of Landon’s life…” Katie read, her voice breaking.

Casey was so moved by Katie’s heartfelt words that her eyes started to fill. Then Katie kneeled in front of Landon and continued her speech.

A Blossoming Friendship

Facebook/Katie H. Muss

When Katie had heard about Casey she had been filled with resentment. But, as time went on, she softened.

In a gesture of maturity and compassion, she decided to include the two in her vows. She started to reach out to Casey, and the two formed an unusual bond. She even grew to love Landon as if he were her own.

Everyone Is Awed

Facebook/Katie H. Muss

Katie had decided to write a special piece in her vows to include Casey and Landon in her wedding ceremony. “I promise to be an amazing mother to your son…” she said. “I will guide, teach and love him every single day.”

“I promise to respect, work, listen and communicate together as co-parents,” she continued. “I will love you guys no matter what comes our way. We are one family, always…” The guests were in complete awe.

“Bonus Mommy”

Facebook/Katie H. Muss

Katie then turned to her stepson: “Landon, I love you more than you will ever know,” Katie paused and wiped a tear away.

“I’m so happy that I now officially get to be your bonus mommy.”

Perfect Vows


Katie had written and rewritten her vows until they were perfect. “I knew I was missing something,” Katie told Global News. “I was missing what made mine and [my husband’s] relationship work.”

Speaking of her husband’s ex and child, “I wanted to include them but I never knew how,” she explained. “I wanted people to see how important they were to me.”

A Powerful Message

Facebook/Katie H. Muss

There wasn’t a dry eye at the ceremony, and Katie’s amazing message about co-parenting quickly went viral. The video of her heartfelt vows has since garnered over 2000,000 views — and strikes a chord with many.

“This was absolutely beautiful,” one woman wrote on Facebook, “Kudos to this wonderful and special family, and as for the bride, she’s one of a kind!”

An Inspiration


“It felt like nobody was in the room,” Katie says. “I practiced so much so I wouldn’t cry … I didn’t even hear anyone cry, it was just a bittersweet moment.”

“All four of you are so amazing. This is absolutely inspiring and I wish everyone involved in co-parenting situations matures enough to follow your example,” another Facebook user wrote.

Embracing Co-Parenting

Facebook/Katie H. Muss

“I wasn’t just going into a marriage with Jeremy and needed his trust and respect, but I needed Casey’s and Tyler’s, too. One thing I promised, was to be ONE family, always. I know without hesitation, we will never break that promise.”

But things didn’t always go so smoothly between the two women: “The one thing we had in common though was Landon. Landon was and is the beat to our hearts. The little guy who not only changed our routines and norms, but he changed us,” Katie explained.

One Big Family


“So many stories, rumors, and judgment, but what would you expect? That’s all we ever saw. That’s the norm. You don’t like the ‘other person,’” she said. Katie has shown that she has come a long way in four years, and was able to embrace her stepson, and more surprisingly, her husband’s ex as an important part of her family.

What could be the worst thing that could happen on your wedding day? Is it an unruly guest, or the possibility that the band might not show up? Nicole was familiar with all of the things that could go wrong on her wedding day. But she never expected her own wedding to take a strange turn when her dad decided to speak…

Imperfect Wedding

YouTube/ Nicole Cortez

Weddings are a special time. Nicole had spent months looking forward to having her family and friends get together to celebrate. Everyone had been supportive, yet her dad seemed like a different person throughout the engagement.

When they saw each other, it was just the two of them, with her fiancé notably absent. It wouldn’t be until the wedding that he revealed the reasons behind his actions.

Happy Relationship

Facebook/Nicole Cortez Figg

The bride-to-be, Nicole, was living in California and teaching in elementary schools. Her fiancé, James, worked as an air conditioning engineer. Together, they shared a love of motorbikes, sports, and films.

It seemed like the perfect relationship, supported by both their families. Little did they know, Nicole’s father had been plotting his move for a whole year.


Facebook/Nicole Cortez Figg

There were nights when Nicole’s dad would announce himself uninvited. “We saw each other yesterday”, Nicole would say.

Her patience was thin, worn down by the weight of work and wedding planning, but she had to tolerate her father’s uncharacteristic attitude – he was family, after all. So why did she find his behavior so off?

Emotions Rising

Facebook/ Nicole Cortez Figg

Everyone was excited about the wedding. Kids from Nicole’s school were getting involved: “Are you married?”, asked one, “I will be next week!” she replied. Others gifted her pictures of her and her fiancé.

These little gestures kept her emotions rising. She had no idea just how emotional her day would be.

No Secrets

Facebook/ James Figg

Coming from a close-knit family, Nicole would spend time knitting with her mother or chatting with her father in the evenings. There seemed to be no secrets between them.

When they heard she was to get married, they were there to help. With so much time spent together, her dad’s hidden agenda became all the more unbelievable.

Counting Down

Facebook/ Bethany Joy

As with every bride, Nicole had been counting down the days for months. Excitement grew with every passing day, and she subscribed to online wedding planners to make sure she had covered all the bases.

By the time the day came, she was calm but full of butterflies. She didn’t expect to be crying that night.

No Time

Facebook/ Nicole Cortez Figg

Working demanding jobs, the financial stress of a wedding had been taking its toll. Nicole also interpreted sign language, while James was out fixing vents in 100-degree weather. There was little time to relax and the countdown was dragging.

It had been a year of constant expense and late nights. How would it all unfold when the day finally arrived?

The Happy Occasion

Facebook/ Nicole Cortez Figg

Nicole’s big day came. The weather was perfect, there were no unexpected delays and everything had been arranged as she wanted it. As she walked up the aisle, she dreaded tripping on her dress but remained calm.

After a short, emotional ceremony, the couple walked proudly out as husband and wife. They left for the reception, still smiling, for now.

An Odd Approach

YouTube/ Nicole Cortez

Sitting down for speeches, the atmosphere was merry. The couple sat together, facing where the speakers would be. When Nicole’s dad got up, he mouthed some words at her. The crowd expected a heartfelt speech but the music started playing – it was her favorite song.

There was something off about what he was doing.

All The Signs

YouTube/ Nicole Cortez

As he began making gestures along with the lyrics, it took some time for her to realize what was going on. Nicole’s father had learned sign language to show how much he appreciated her. While she was not deaf, she worked as an interpreter.

Her dad had been practicing for a year, since he heard his daughter was to marry, catching her completely off-guard.

A Touching Moment

YouTube/ Nicole Cortez

Both Nicole and James reacted in shock, completely overwhelmed with emotion. With her hands to her face, she cried uncontrollably, incredibly touched by her dad’s gift. Choosing the song “I Loved Her First”, his message reached both of them, leaving them in tears.

The room was hooked on this father pledging his support for the couple.

All Kinds Of Surprises

Facebook/ Nicole Cortez Figg

Anyone who has been to a wedding will know that it rarely goes to plan. Dozens of films have drawn from the fact that surprises should be expected, both welcome and not.

For Nicole and her groom, however, there was nothing to indicate the amazing display of love which would be awaiting them at the reception.

Memorable Farewell

Facebook/ Nicole Cortez Figg

Immediately after the wedding, the couple left for a honeymoon in Cancun. Reliving the moments of her father’s performance, she reflected on it with adoration for her father.

She posted the video online, attracting thousands of comments from viewers about how touched they were. Their relationship was off to a great start.

Looking Back

Facebook/ Nicole Cortez Figg

Nicole and James continue to look back fondly on their wedding day. Taking trips across the world, from cruises in the Bahamas to journeys across Europe, the moment Nicole’s dad stood up to sing a song for her is still one of their most memorable.

It showed her how much he was willing to work to make her day even more special.

Perfect Memories

Facebook/ Nicole Cortez Figg

Many people will spend years planning their perfect wedding, trying to craft a memorable experience they can look back on for years to come. Some weddings are made memorable for other reasons – while everyone faces problems along the way, it is important to not let the pressure take away from enjoying the event.

Nicole’s father gave her a more touching moment than she could ever have expected, and the memory will stay with them forever.