Bebé Se Niega A Mirar Al Padre, La Madre Pone Una Cámara
No Era Un Bebé Normal
El mundo de Heather y John se había vuelto del revés. Pasaron de ser una familia feliz a cuestionarse cada uno de sus movimientos. No pensaban que fuera a ser tan malo.
El médico les había lanzado una bomba, diciendo que su bebé podía tener una enfermedad.
Los dos estaban muy preocupados y no sabían qué hacer. Cómo iban a manejar a este niño?
Comienzos Difíciles
Heather y John llevaban cinco años casados y vivían en Massachusetts.
Estaban encantados de dar la bienvenida al mundo a su primer hijo. Sentían que era una bendición.
El parto había sido un poco difícil, ya que Heather era una madre mayor, de 40 años. Había luchado para concebir y estaba encantada de que su bebé Joshua saliera sano y feliz.
Las Primeras Señales
Los primeros meses con Joshua fueron estupendos, y jugaba como lo haría cualquier bebé.
Fue alrededor de los 18 meses cuando Heather notó por primera vez algo en su bebé.
Empezó a perder interés por ella. Se negaba a mirarla. Comía y jugaba sin mirar a su madre ni una sola vez. Parecía concentrarse en otra cosa.
Retraso Mental
Heather empezó a notar que el pequeño Joshua no parecía querer reconocerla.
Hacía contacto visual durante unos segundos y luego miraba hacia otro lado.
Ya lo había hecho varias veces. Heather le llamaba por su nombre, pero era como si no la oyera. Empezó a preocuparse de que algo pudiera irle mal mentalmente.
La mujer, preocupada, intentó hablar con su marido, pero él no le escuchó.
“Bueno, estás con él todo el día, deberías saber lo que haces con él. Todavía es un bebé, tiene que crecer”, le dijo mientras se sentaba a la mesa.
Heather parecía confusa. ¿Qué quería decir su marido? ¿La estaba acusando? Cómo podía hacer que su marido la escuchara?
La Prueba
Heather decidió instalar una cámara oculta en el salón.
Quería pruebas de que era una buena madre y de que siempre cuidaba de Joshua de la mejor manera.
Quizá así su marido vería cómo había cambiado el comportamiento de Joshua y prestaría atención a su hijo. “¿Cómo se atreve a culparla sin motivo?”, pensó mientras ocultaba la cámara.
Te Lo Dije
John no tardó en darse cuenta de lo que decía Heather. Ni siquiera necesitó mostrarle pruebas. De hecho, Heather no le había hablado en absoluto de la cámara.
Joshua notó exactamente lo mismo con su bebé cuando llegó tarde del trabajo una noche.
Estaba preocupado. A la mañana siguiente, cuando intentó jugar con Joshua, el bebé volvió a irritarse y no quería mirarle.
Servicios Profesionales
Heather y Joshua decidieron llevar al bebé al pediatra. La doctora era una mujer de mediana edad, con el pelo largo y oscuro y una sonrisa cautivadora.
Se llamaba Dra. Barbara Stronghorn. Era una mujer atractiva que había enviudado recientemente.
Los preocupados padres observaron con expectación cómo la doctora realizaba las pruebas a su hijo. Parecía preocupada. Pero no dijo nada mientras examinaba a Joshua. Estaba concentrada en su trabajo y realizó todas las pruebas con eficiencia.
El Diagnóstico Del Médico
La doctora les dijo que parecía físicamente normal, pero que existía la posibilidad de un ligero problema mental.
“No podemos precisar exactamente cuál es el problema de su cerebro hasta que tengamos los resultados de las pruebas”, dijo y se quitó las gafas.
Heather tenía un millón de preguntas para el médico. Intentó ser amable con la preocupada madre, pero también tenía que atender a otros pacientes y tuvo que marcharse. Heather se quedó en las habitaciones con el corazón encogido por el diagnóstico de la doctora.
Malas Noticias Para Algunos
Los preocupados padres esperaron pacientemente los resultados de las pruebas. Al cabo de unos días recibieron noticias del hospital y les pidieron que acudieran.
Después de muchas pruebas, la doctora Barbara les dijo que Joshua podía tener autismo.
Heather estaba desolada y se sentía culpable por no haberse dado cuenta antes de que algo iba mal. La doctora se disculpó con la pareja y los abrazó a los dos. “Estoy aquí si necesitas algo” le dijo a John mientras le cogía de la mano.
John estaba en su propio mundo, parecía conmocionado y se preguntaba cómo le había pasado esto a su hijo. Se cuestionaba a sí mismo. Llevaba un estilo de vida sano y comía bien.
¿Cómo pudo ocurrirle esto?
Estaba enfadado por dentro y culpaba a Heather por ser vieja. “Mírala llorar, qué patética. Para empezar, ¿por qué quería tener un bebé?”, pensó.
Una Situación Peor
John intentó ser un buen padre, pero a medida que pasaban las semanas, Heather notó que se estaba volviendo distante.
Sentía como si él hubiera perdido el interés por ella después del bebé, y se sentía acomplejada por su aspecto.
Heather intentaba centrarse en su hijo y esperaba que John le prestara más atención.
Pero su marido estaba ensimismado en sus propios pensamientos.
Malos Pensamientos
Joshua, por su parte, empezó a creer que Heather hablaba mal de él al bebé.
Sentía que Heather se había obsesionado con su hijo y no entendía por qué estaba tan preocupada por el desarrollo de Joshua.
Joshua empezó a alejarse de Heather y a pasar más tiempo en el trabajo. Ya no quería estar en casa.
A John le resultaba difícil apoyar a Heather, pero tenía que luchar contra sus propios demonios.
Se sentía desatendido por Heather, que se centraba constantemente en el bebé.
Echaba de menos los días en que sólo estaban ellos dos y podía hacer lo que quisiera sin responsabilidades. Cada vez pensaba más en la doctora Stronghorn, y sabía que estaba mal.
Otra Elección
Desesperado por encontrar respuestas, Joshua empezó a llevar a John a sus revisiones con el pediatra.
No esperaba que la Dra. Stronghorn lo tratara como lo trataba.
Empezó a flirtear con John, diciéndole que su desaliñada esposa no le merecía. No podía creer lo que oía. ¿Cómo podía esta doctora ser tan atrevida con él?
Invitación Abierta
John esperaba obtener algunas respuestas sobre el estado del bebé, pero lo que obtuvo fue algo totalmente distinto.
Se quitó el abrigo y se puso un vestido corto con un escote pronunciado.
La Dra. Stronghorn estaba encima de él, riéndose descaradamente y haciéndole sentir deseado. John estaba confuso, pero no podía negar que disfrutaba de la atención.
Quiero A Las Dos
John quería a su familia, pero disfrutaba con la atención de la doctora Stronghorn. Estaba confuso y no sabía qué hacer.
Intentó hablar con Heather de sus problemas, pero ella estaba demasiado preocupada por el estado de su hijo.
Quería ver adónde llevaría esto, pero no quería que lo atraparan.
Un Padre Deshonesto
Con el paso del tiempo, John empezó a ir a ver a la doctora Stronghorn cada vez más a menudo.
Era adicto a la emoción de ser deseado por otra persona. Sabía que estaba mal, pero no podía contenerse.
La doctora le decía que Heather no le merecía y que debía divorciarse. John estaba indeciso, pero no podía negar que empezaba a creerla.
Poniéndose Al Día
Mientras tanto, Heather empezaba a notar que algo no iba bien con John.
Estaba distante y preocupado todo el tiempo. Intentó hablar con él, pero no se abría.
Incluso empezó a sospechar que tenía una aventura, pero no se atrevía a enfrentarse a él. ¿Qué podía hacer para salvar su matrimonio?
Divorcio En El Aire
Un día, la Dra. Stronghorn dijo que quería tener una relación seria con John y le pidió el divorcio.
John se quedó de piedra y no supo qué responder.
Sabía que amaba a Heather y a su hijo, pero no podía resistir la tentación de la atención de la Dra. Stronghorn. ¿Qué iba a hacer?
All Out In The Open
Heather noticed that John was becoming more distant, and she confronted him about it. John denied seeing anybody but he looked guilty. Heather knew that he was hiding something and had proof.
Heather showed him the video recordings of him secretly on the phone with someone. John finally admitted that he had been seeing Dr. Stronghorn and that she had asked him to get a divorce.
Heather was beside herself in tears but John didn’t care and he stormed out.
In Your Face
Heather went to look for John to confront him about his wrong doing. She couldn’t find him anywhere and thought of one place she hadn’t checked, Dr. Stronghorn’s office.
When she arrived, she saw something that made her blood boil. John and Dr. Stronghorn were kissing passionately, right in front of her eyes.
Heather was devastated. She felt like her whole world had come crashing down. She was too embarrassed to confront him in front of the lusty doctor and ran away.
A Broken Home
She confronted John about it later that night, and he didn’t even try to deny it.
He told her that he was in love with Dr. Stronghorn and that he wanted a divorce.
Heather was heartbroken. She couldn’t believe that the man she had loved for so long had betrayed her like this. How could she ever show her face in public again?
No Second Chances
Heather had always been the kind of person who believed in the sanctity of marriage. When she first met John, she knew he was the one for her.
They had a great relationship and enjoyed each other’s company.
They had a beautiful baby boy who they loved more than anything in the world. How could he forget that?
Confronting You
When Heather found out that John had been cheating on her she was heartbroken and didn’t know what to do. She confronted him, and he admitted his mistake.
He said he was sorry and that he still loved her and their son.
Heather didn’t know if she could ever forgive him, but she knew she needed time to think. She had to take care of their son alone.
Let Me Take Care
John was devastated that he had hurt the woman he loved so much. He knew he had made a mistake and would do anything to make it up to her. He started to focus all his attention on their son, who was diagnosed with autism.
He and Heather did all their research and found the best treatments for Joshua.
They worked tirelessly to make sure he had the best possible care. Heather was glad that John was still around, but she didn’t know if he was still seeing the doctor on the side.
Still Not Sure
Even though John lived at home and was present for all of Joshua’s appointments, Heather didn’t know what he got up to during the day at work.
In fact, she didn’t see him during the day.
He seemed to have become more solemn and wouldn’t talk to Heather about anything besides Joshua. The worried wife still wondered if she was the only one in his life?
Back For More
Their fleeting happiness was short-lived. Heather found out that the nasty pediatrician was back. She was trying to cause problems for the happy couple. She made advances towards John, which he immediately shut down.
Heather was furious and went to the medical board to report the doctor’s behavior. The doctor was disbarred, and Heather felt a sense of justice for their family.
But she still didn’t know the real truth. She should trust her husband, but she didn’t. She needed some time away.
All Is Fair In Love
John didn’t give up, he tried to win Heather back. He would call her constantly and show up at their house. Her new boyfriend actually got irritated with her and broke up with her.
Heather was hurt, but she still loved John, and she agreed to work things out with him again.
Together, Heather and John focused on their family and their child’s needs. They worked hard to rebuild their relationship, and they both became more involved in Joshua’s therapy. Over time, Joshua started to make progress, and he became more engaged with his parents.
The Way It Should Be
Despite the challenges they faced, Heather and John’s love for each other and their child kept them strong. They knew that their family was worth fighting for, and they never gave up on each other.
In the end, their love and commitment to each other helped them overcome their struggles, and they emerged stronger than ever before.
And yes, they found a new pediatrician too, one who could do their job and without so many personal issues.
Rare Gift
Baby Joshua grew up to be a very special child. He was extremely intelligent and had a unique way of looking at the world.
His parents were amazed by his abilities, and they knew he was destined for great things.
One day, a special school called to enrol him. Heather was so proud that her son was chosen amongst so many others. She had a lot to prepare, it was going to be expensive.
Special Boy
Heather and John were thrilled that their son was being recognized for his talent.
They knew he would thrive in an environment where he could be challenged and supported.
Joshua was excited to start his new school and couldn’t wait to see what the future held for him. But he knew that he may have a problem fitting in with the other kids.
Quirky Lad
Although Joshua looked like any other child in his appearance, his autism was very visible in the way that he behaved and spoke. He wasn’t mentally challenged but gifted.
His mother was worried that other children may bully hm for his small size and smart mouth.
Joshua tried to comfort his mother, but he knew that his ability was something he was still earning to control.
Little Bright Spark
Joshua enjoyed being by himself. He was always reading a book alone, quietly in a corner.
Sometimes when he was deep in thought he would mutter to himself and mumble under his breath.
His mother tried to get him to be more self-aware. But the little boy could barely control his emotions.
Just Like Me
As Joshua settled into his new school, he made many new friends who were just as gifted as he was.
He enjoyed learning new things and was always eager to share his knowledge with others.
Heather and John were amazed by how quickly their son was progressing and felt a sense of pride knowing they had helped him get to where he was. But would he still feel the same way next week?
Always The Best
Joshua was naturally the top of his class, and luckily to his mothers’ delight, nobody bullied him. He was praised. All the boys wanted to be his friend and get to know him.
The autistic boy had friends for the first time in his life. He danced and played like any other child.
He was happy to do things with others his own age. Nobody made fun of his funny movements or sounds, they encouraged him.
We Won
The proud parents were happy that their son was adapting. They could finally rejoice in a job well done. He was going to be grow up just fine.
They had been worried about Joshua for so many years and now he had found his place.
He was with other children like him. For the first time, Joshua belonged.
Future Talent
Joshua’s talents didn’t go unnoticed, and he was soon approached by a famous scientist who wanted to work with him.
Heather and John were hesitant at first, but they knew this was an opportunity of a lifetime for their son.
They agreed to let him work with the scientist, and Joshua was thrilled to be a part of such an exciting project. But they didn’t know that this scientist had an ulterior motive for their sons’ knowledge.
We Want You
As Joshua worked with the scientist, he learned many new things and made groundbreaking discoveries.
His work was recognized by the scientific community, and he became famous for his research.
John was amazed by his son’s accomplishments and knew he was destined for even greater things. Heather was skeptical about her son working for a big pharmaceutical company.
Part Of Something Great
Despite their rocky start, Heather and John’s love for each other and their son only grew stronger. They knew they had been through a lot, but they had come out the other side as a stronger family.
They were proud of their son and all that he had accomplished, and they knew that their love would continue to guide them through whatever challenges came their way.
Joshua was making waves as the youngest person in history to work in his field. But he didn’t know there was someone watching him, after his confidential information.
Disclaimer: To protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.