Airline Won’t Give Grandpa Assistance, They Have No Idea Who He Is


A Flight Like No Other

Tim Scott, a senior citizen, was on his way from Washington DC to Tennessee. He had been struggling with mobility issues due to his age and past injuries.

He found it difficult to move around the airport and relied on the assistance of airport staff to help him navigate his way through the crowds.

On this particular day, Tim’s experience at the airport took a turn for the worse. He had no idea what was headed his way.

Unusually Unfriendly


When he reached the check-in counter, he was surprised to find that the woman behind the desk seemed to be upset about something.

She was curt and didn’t offer her usual friendly greeting. Tim felt uneasy, wondering what had caused the change in her demeanor.

Despite the woman’s lack of warmth, Tim managed to check in for his flight. However, he couldn’t shake off the feeling that something wasn’t right.

Hoping For A Smooth Journey


He hoped that the rest of his journey would be smoother and that he would arrive at his destination safely.

Tom brushed it off, assuming it was just that she was having a bad day. But he had no idea that it all had to do with him.

The man arrived at the airport with hopes of traveling to his destination without any trouble. However, he found himself waiting for assistance, which never came.

Reason Behind The Behavior


Despite his patience, he started to suspect that something was wrong. After a while, he gave up and decided to carry his belongings to the baggage area.

The effort took a toll on his already fragile body, and he began to visibly struggle. The airport faculty noticed his struggle but failed to offer any help.

The man couldn’t understand why they were not providing any assistance. He was surprised and disappointed when he discovered the reason behind their behavior.

A New Policy


Apparently, the airport had implemented a new policy that restricted their staff from helping him. But that didn’t make sense.

He couldn’t believe what he was hearing when he asked for help. The man shook his head, citing the policy that prevented them from doing so.

It was a frustrating and confusing experience for the man, who expected better treatment. Tim had served his country for decades; how could they treat him like this?

Proud Of His Service


As he boarded the flight, he felt proud of his service. He was always reminded of it when he felt his bones scrape together. The injuries he suffered would never have happened if he hadn’t fought for his country.

That’s when Tim decided to take the initiative and ask for help from one of the faculty. But the look they gave him was appalling. What had he done wrong?

Eventually, the elderly man managed to get onto his flight despite his troubles. However, as the flight took off, things took a turn for the worse.

 Talking To Management


The airline crew seemed to treat him with outright contempt, ignoring his requests for assistance and even making derogatory comments about his service.

He decided to confront one of the airline managers when he got off the flight. But they had been informed of him ahead of time. They were ready with an excuse.

They said, “It’s because of your cap, Sir.” But Tim couldn’t believe it. Little did they know that Tim had an ace up his sleeve. He was a man with powerful connections.

Tim Scott


Tim Scott was once a vibrant man, brimming with a sense of adventure and a deep curiosity about the world. But things changed in a big way.

His childhood was marked by a boundless sense of wonder as he explored the world around him. He was filled with a sense of joy and enthusiasm that seemed to know no bounds.

However, as he grew older, Tim found himself drawn into a cause that he did not fully understand. Despite this, he felt a deep sense of duty to his country.

He fought for his family back home. Tim was determined to do whatever he could to serve them both.



Sadly, Tim’s time in the war would leave him deeply scarred. He would suffer physical injuries that would leave him forever changed.

He would also experience emotional trauma that would haunt him for years to come. Nevertheless, he would remain determined to live his life to the fullest despite the many challenges he faced along the way.

The memory of the humid jungle and the treacherous traps set up by their enemy were etched into Tim’s mind. It was the cause of his scars.

Taken Out Of Action


He could still recall the intricate and inhumane mechanisms that his squad had to navigate around during their patrols. He wished he had stepped a little to the right.

Unfortunately, Tim’s luck ran out when he unknowingly triggered one of these traps. He vividly remembered stumbling over an unseen object. Everything went black.

In the blink of an eye, the ground gave way beneath him, swallowing him up. The sensation of falling and the sudden darkness that engulfed him were sensations that he knew he would never forget.

Unfit For Duty


The next thing he knew, he was being dragged to a field medic. Hours later, he was sent on a helicopter to a proper hospital.

From that day on, Tim’s life was never the same. They called him unfit for duty. He tried to disagree, but it was apparent that his leg was busted.

He was proud of what he had accomplished up until that point, but he hated that he didn’t get to decide when he stopped.

A Brave Soldier


Tim was a brave soldier who had risked his life for his country. This meant that he had received a special medal for his injuries in the line of duty.

It was a testament to his courage and dedication. However, his journey was about to get much harder.

Tim’s leg was badly damaged, which left him with a terrible limp. This not only affected his physical mobility but also his ability to find a job.

Difficult To Find A Job


Despite his qualifications and skills, he struggled to get hired, not only because of his disability but also because of his military background.

It was a tragic time for Tim and many other soldiers who were returning from war. People blamed them for what was going wrong in the world, which was unfair and unjustified.

They had risked their lives to protect their country and were now facing discrimination and disrespect. Still, he didn’t give up.

A Bus Driver


Tim’s situation was particularly difficult, as he had to deal with physical and psychological trauma, as well as the challenges of reintegrating into civilian life.

Despite all this, he remained hopeful and determined to overcome the obstacles and build a better future for himself.

After a long period of searching, Tim was finally able to secure a job as a bus driver. He spent countless hours ferrying children to and from school, all the while reminiscing about his adventurous and exciting youth.

Meeting Barbara


As the years flew by, the only thing that kept him grounded was his beloved wife, Barbara. She was the mother of one of the students.

The two formed a deep connection that would last for years to come. In fact, Tim became a father figure to her child.

Tim took great care in watching Jake grow and mature into a fine young adult. Eventually, Jake moved out to Tennessee to start his own life.

He left Tim and Barbara to enjoy their golden years together. Tim considered himself to be a fortunate man, but little did he know that there was something incredible just on the horizon waiting for him.

Savvy Investments


Despite his job, Tim was able to retire comfortably at the age of sixty through strategic investments. It would be the key to everything.

However, he didn’t let his retirement slow him down. Instead, he prioritized spending time with the people who mattered most to him – his family.

Every time a holiday approached, Tim and his wife Barbara would board a flight to visit their son Jake and his family in Tennessee.

Flying Alone


Unfortunately, something went wrong. There was a mix-up with their airline tickets, causing Barbara to have to leave early.

This left Tim to make the flight home alone. Tim wasn’t particularly bothered by the idea of flying alone.

He wasn’t overly concerned about how he would be treated as an elderly passenger traveling solo. If only he had known what was to come.

The Day Arrived


The day finally arrived. Easter weekend was around the corner, and in just a day, Tim would be reunited with his wife and get to see Jake and his family.

Nothing was going to make him happier than seeing his grandchildren. He packed his bags and checked his ticket before heading for the airport.

He took a cab to the airport and smiled at the marvel of the place. He had flown a lot in his younger years when he did all sorts of business. But those days were long gone.

Anything But A Warm Welcome


Tim Scott was traveling from his hometown in Washington, DC, to Tennessee. The walk was daunting.

His injuries made it difficult for him to move around the airport without assistance. On this particular day, Tim’s experience at the airport was not the best.

After what felt like forever, he reached the check-in counter. He noticed that the woman behind the desk was not as friendly as usual.

Something Off


She seemed upset about something and didn’t offer her usual warm greeting. Despite her lack of warmth, Tim managed to check in for his flight.

However, he couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was wrong. As he waited for assistance, he noticed that no one was coming to help him.

He gave up and decided to carry his belongings to the baggage area. The effort took a toll on his already fragile body, and he began to visibly struggle. The airport staff noticed his struggle but failed to offer any help.

In It Alone


The airport had implemented a new policy that restricted their staff from helping him. Tim couldn’t believe what he was hearing when he asked for help.

The man shook his head, citing the policy that prevented them from doing so. It was a frustrating and confusing experience for the man who had served his country for decades.

As he boarded the flight, he felt proud of his service but also disappointed with the treatment he had received. The airline crew seemed to treat him with outright contempt, ignoring his requests for assistance and even making derogatory comments about his service.

Talking To Management


When he got off the flight, he decided to confront one of the airline managers. However, they had been informed of him ahead of time and were ready with an excuse.

They said, “It’s because of your cap, Sir.” Tim couldn’t believe it. Despite his frustration, Tim was a man with powerful connections and decided to take action.

He took off his cap and looked at it. There was nothing wrong with it in his mind. It was a souvenir from his time abroad.

His Cap


Tom was holding onto his cap with utmost pride. It was a military cap from the time he served in Vietnam several decades ago.

He was lost in his thoughts, reliving the moments from the past when the manager interrupted him. But he didn’t know that was the problem.

“That’s exactly why my faculty didn’t help you, sir,” the manager sneered. “It’s because of the fact that you’re brandishing a military uniform.

Making People Uncomfortable


It’s unnecessary, and it makes people uncomfortable.” Tim was taken aback. He couldn’t believe his ears.

He felt a strong surge of anger within him as he listened to the terrible excuse. “You can’t be serious!” he exclaimed. “I sacrificed so much for this country, and a cap is hardly a uniform.”

Tim found himself in the middle of a tense situation where he couldn’t believe what was happening. The policies that he had been asked to comply with were terrible.

It Was Personal


What made him even more uncomfortable was the man in front of him who was trying to suppress a smile. Tim realized that this was no longer just about company policies.

It had become personal. He could feel his anger building up as he tried to control himself.

“You know what? Let me make a call,” he said through gritted teeth, hoping to calm himself down and find a way out of this situation.

Calling A Number


He reached for his mobile phone and dialed a number he hadn’t used in ages – it was his business partner’s. He knew that his partner would be able to help him out of this mess.

However, the phone rang for a few moments without any response. The manager, who was standing nearby, sneered and said, “Your friend is not answering?”

He laughed, but he had no idea who Tim was or what he was capable of. Tim’s determination knew no bounds. He wouldn’t give up so easily.

One Last Call


He had been attempting to reach out to Mr. Lammert, and just when he was about to give up, he mustered up the courage to make one final call.

With bated breath, he dialed the number, hoping for a response from his business partner. After a few rings, a faint click was heard, and Tim couldn’t be happier.

He spoke softly, “Mr. Lammert, are you able to talk?” However, as soon as the manager’s name left his lips, he could sense a sudden change in the atmosphere.

A Problem


The manager’s demeanor suddenly changed, and he went pale. Despite the attempts of him to interrupt Tim’s call, he waved them off and continued.

“Yes, I have a problem with one of the managers at Dulles International Airport.” As the conversation ended, Tim put down the phone and turned to face the manager with an air of superiority.

“You can expect a call soon explaining everything,” he said in a condescending tone. Before the manager could respond, Tim continued. “But for now, I need someone to help me with my bags. I have to get to my son and wife.”

Frozen In Disbelief


The manager quickly arranged for someone to help Tim with his bags, and he made his way to the cab waiting outside. As he settled into the backseat, he couldn’t help but think about the warm pot roast that his son had promised to make for dinner.

The manager stood frozen in disbelief, his mind fixed on the name “Lammert.” He was sure he had heard the name before but couldn’t remember where for his life.

As he tried to shake off the confusion and make sense of what was happening, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. It was his boss on the line, and the manager’s heart skipped a beat. What could he possibly want?

Replaced By Someone More Understanding


With trembling hands, the manager answered the phone, trying his best to sound composed. His boss wasted no time getting to the point – he wanted to know all about Tim Scott and why the manager had put in place the policy he had. The manager tried to explain his reasoning, but he knew he was in trouble. His boss’s tone was stern and unforgiving, and the manager could feel his own anxiety building. It was clear that he was about to face the consequences of his actions.

It turned out that Tim was one of the major stakeholders in the airline he had been flying with all these years, the very same airline that had treated him so unfairly.

As he delved deeper into the details, he realized that Tim was not to be trifled with, as he owned a significant portion of the airline. This explained why he could retire comfortably despite his modest job as a bus driver.

However, the revelation brought about dire consequences for the airline manager. He was summoned for a disciplinary hearing and subsequently dismissed from his position. Fortunately, a new manager, who was much more empathetic and understanding, was appointed to take his place.