15 UFO Conspiracies You Likely Haven’t Heard About

Whether you believe in visitors from outer space or not, you’ve no doubt heard at least a couple of conspiracy theories about alien visits to the United States. The UFO conspiracies that you probably haven’t heard of are those that aren’t necessarily as hot as the Roswell or Area 51 stories, or they’re so old that your grandparents forgot to tell you about them.
Here are some of the craziest UFO conspiracies.
15. Double Alien UFO

Two aliens were allegedly filmed flying over the moon. A UFO theorist named Scott shared this image. He further stated that other activities were obviously going on outside the moon.
Two aliens were allegedly filmed flying over the moon. A UFO theorist named Scott shared this image. He further stated that other activities were obviously going on outside the moon.
14. Alien UFO

According to a conspiracy blog, people discovered the face of an alien in a picture released by NASA in 2003. The face allegedly had distinct features and looked similar to an alien NASA refuted this claim.
According to a conspiracy blog, people discovered the face of an alien in a picture released by NASA in 2003. The face allegedly had distinct features and looked similar to an alien NASA refuted this claim.
13. Moon Structures

A prominent UFO expert accused NASA of taking captivating pictures of aliens on the moon. He claimed that NASA took the pictures during the NASA Apollo 15 mission expedition that was expected to get to the moon by 1971.
A prominent UFO expert accused NASA of taking captivating pictures of aliens on the moon. He claimed that NASA took the pictures during the NASA Apollo 15 mission expedition that was expected to get to the moon by 1971.

According to a famous alien hunter, an alien spacecraft UFO was hovering over the United Arab Emirate. He shared both pictures and videos claiming the existence of aliens in the Middle East. He also stated that aliens are patiently watching over humans.
According to a famous alien hunter, an alien spacecraft UFO was hovering over the United Arab Emirate. He shared both pictures and videos claiming the existence of aliens in the Middle East. He also stated that aliens are patiently watching over humans.
11. Black Square UFO

People spotted this object in the United States of America where it was hovering Georgia. It surfaced in January. The UFO was almost the same size as the Boeing 727. UFO investigator Scott Warring posted this picture. According to him, this proofs there is life outside earth. A second UFO was visible in the footage.
People spotted this object in the United States of America where it was hovering Georgia. It surfaced in January. The UFO was almost the same size as the Boeing 727. UFO investigator Scott Warring posted this picture. According to him, this proofs there is life outside earth. A second UFO was visible in the footage.
10. Peter Andre UFO

Peter Andre claims to have seen UFO and aliens. He said a few years ago, he drove past Area 51 military base. He was able to get close but not too close. He saw crafts and objects moving from one place to the other within a split second in the sky. He also met with Ronnie Woods who also allegedly has seen a UFO. Peter met with several other people who claimed had seen sightings of a UFO.
Peter Andre claims to have seen UFO and aliens. He said a few years ago, he drove past Area 51 military base. He was able to get close but not too close. He saw crafts and objects moving from one place to the other within a split second in the sky. He also met with Ronnie Woods who also allegedly has seen a UFO. Peter met with several other people who claimed had seen sightings of a UFO.
9. Life on Mars

According to a former NASA advisor, life once existed on Mars. There was evidence of alien civilization, allegedly wiped out by nuclear war. The witness, Mr. Hoagland further claimed his evidence is from the pictures of NASA’s Viking missions. According to him, the pictures show there was a structure in place on the red planet brought to an end by nuclear war. He was able to gather evidence, but to most people, the evidence brought forward did not hold water and could not be accepted as proof.
According to a former NASA advisor, life once existed on Mars. There was evidence of alien civilization, allegedly wiped out by nuclear war. The witness, Mr. Hoagland further claimed his evidence is from the pictures of NASA’s Viking missions. According to him, the pictures show there was a structure in place on the red planet brought to an end by nuclear war. He was able to gather evidence, but to most people, the evidence brought forward did not hold water and could not be accepted as proof.
8. SLS Photos

Conspiracy theorists accused NASA of having secrets by hiding and blurring out photos from the Space Launch System spacecraft. They believe NASA is covering something by removing the edge of the SLS spacecraft. NASA came up with a response claiming the designs were made to have a better understanding of space.
Conspiracy theorists accused NASA of having secrets by hiding and blurring out photos from the Space Launch System spacecraft. They believe NASA is covering something by removing the edge of the SLS spacecraft. NASA came up with a response claiming the designs were made to have a better understanding of space.
7. Asteroid Bennu

A large space rock of interest to NASA is known as Asteroid Bennu. According to NASA, the Bennu was the key to unlocking human origin. According to UFO analysts, the Bennu shows chronic evidence of alien technology through high definition photos. They also claimed that NASA explored the asteroid because it’s the closest to alien technology.
A large space rock of interest to NASA is known as Asteroid Bennu. According to NASA, the Bennu was the key to unlocking human origin. According to UFO analysts, the Bennu shows chronic evidence of alien technology through high definition photos. They also claimed that NASA explored the asteroid because it’s the closest to alien technology.
6. The NASA Asteroid

In 1999, a man allegedly saw a mysterious building. It was speculated to be the home of aliens NASA knew about but hid from people. According to a UFO hunter Scott C, alien technology was visible in the photos released by NASA. NASA debunked this rumor saying what they saw was a psychological phenomenon where people see what they recognize in the cloud.
In 1999, a man allegedly saw a mysterious building. It was speculated to be the home of aliens NASA knew about but hid from people. According to a UFO hunter Scott C, alien technology was visible in the photos released by NASA. NASA debunked this rumor saying what they saw was a psychological phenomenon where people see what they recognize in the cloud.
5. Foo Fighters

No, the Seattle-based Foo Fighters aren’t aliens. “Foo fighter” is a term that the Allied pilots used during World War II for strange objects that they saw in the skies over the Pacific Ocean and Europe. The U.S. 415th Night Fighter Squadron was the first to call a UFO sighting a “foo fighter,” and the term grew popular among other pilots. The pilots who saw the lights over Europe reported that they would follow or seemingly toy with the planes, but never in a hostile manner. This was a good thing because the pilots who tried could never shoot down the UFOs. Pilots based in Asia reported that when they shot at the fireballs, they’d break into pieces and set the buildings below on fire. To explain the phenomena, officials stated that the fireballs were a Nazi weapon, an electrical discharge known as St. Elmo’s Fire, a visual illusion created by the U.S. Navy, or simply lightning.
No, the Seattle-based Foo Fighters aren’t aliens. “Foo fighter” is a term that the Allied pilots used during World War II for strange objects that they saw in the skies over the Pacific Ocean and Europe. The U.S. 415th Night Fighter Squadron was the first to call a UFO sighting a “foo fighter,” and the term grew popular among other pilots. The pilots who saw the lights over Europe reported that they would follow or seemingly toy with the planes, but never in a hostile manner. This was a good thing because the pilots who tried could never shoot down the UFOs. Pilots based in Asia reported that when they shot at the fireballs, they’d break into pieces and set the buildings below on fire. To explain the phenomena, officials stated that the fireballs were a Nazi weapon, an electrical discharge known as St. Elmo’s Fire, a visual illusion created by the U.S. Navy, or simply lightning.
4. Project Redlight

Project Redlight in 1962 was allegedly a secret mission to test-fly alien aircraft at Area 51. UFO-related websites like UFO Evidence and Cosmic Conspiracies report that Milton Cooper, a scientist and one of the top-secret “Majestic 12,” stated that President Eisenhower ordered the test flights in “Dreamland” (Area 51). The project, according to Cooper, came to a halt when one of the UFOs blew up, killing the pilots within it. The researcher shared that the project was on hold while the aliens supplied the scientists with three new aircraft and their pilots. Cooper said that the U.S. government created “Snowbird” as a way to cover up the secret Redlight project. He also claimed that the government altered documents related to Redlight to throw off UFO researchers.
Project Redlight in 1962 was allegedly a secret mission to test-fly alien aircraft at Area 51. UFO-related websites like UFO Evidence and Cosmic Conspiracies report that Milton Cooper, a scientist and one of the top-secret “Majestic 12,” stated that President Eisenhower ordered the test flights in “Dreamland” (Area 51). The project, according to Cooper, came to a halt when one of the UFOs blew up, killing the pilots within it. The researcher shared that the project was on hold while the aliens supplied the scientists with three new aircraft and their pilots. Cooper said that the U.S. government created “Snowbird” as a way to cover up the secret Redlight project. He also claimed that the government altered documents related to Redlight to throw off UFO researchers.
3. Trent UFO

In the rural town of McMinnville, Oregon, Evelyn Trent spotted a metallic disk in the sky in May 1950. When her husband, Paul, and his father saw the UFO, Paul ran back into the house, grabbed a camera and snapped a couple of pictures before the flying saucer shot away. After a local reporter published the story about the Trent family’s experience and examined the negatives, he concluded that the photos weren’t doctored. After Life magazine picked up the story, it accidentally “lost” the original negatives. The negatives showed up more than a decade later at the United Press Internal office, and the company loaned them to the Condon Committee, a government-funded research project. After committee member William Hartmann interviewed the Trents and determined that they told the truth about their sighting, he returned the negatives. To this day, the pictures of the Trent UFO are best of its kind, and the U.S. government has not disputed the sighting.
In the rural town of McMinnville, Oregon, Evelyn Trent spotted a metallic disk in the sky in May 1950. When her husband, Paul, and his father saw the UFO, Paul ran back into the house, grabbed a camera and snapped a couple of pictures before the flying saucer shot away. After a local reporter published the story about the Trent family’s experience and examined the negatives, he concluded that the photos weren’t doctored. After Life magazine picked up the story, it accidentally “lost” the original negatives. The negatives showed up more than a decade later at the United Press Internal office, and the company loaned them to the Condon Committee, a government-funded research project. After committee member William Hartmann interviewed the Trents and determined that they told the truth about their sighting, he returned the negatives. To this day, the pictures of the Trent UFO are best of its kind, and the U.S. government has not disputed the sighting.
2. Washington Flap

On July 19, 1952, air traffic controller Edward Nugent at Washington National Airport reported that he saw seven unidentified objects on his radarscope that were 15 miles away from Washington, D.C. Nugent’s boss, Harry Barnes, saw the same objects on the screen and had two other people check the radar to make sure it wasn’t malfunctioning; it wasn’t. Other controllers reported that they also saw the same objects and could see a bright orange light from the control tower. Nearby at Andrews Air Force Base, an airman saw a bright orange disk from his control tower. More people started to notice the UFO along with six other fast-moving lights in a loose formation. Similar events occurred again seven days later, and President Truman ordered the Air Force to shoot down the flying saucers if the aliens refused to land. After a few days and public panic, the Air Force held a press conference to explain that the strange lights were just aerial phenomena, like meteors. UFO researchers don’t buy this explanation.
On July 19, 1952, air traffic controller Edward Nugent at Washington National Airport reported that he saw seven unidentified objects on his radarscope that were 15 miles away from Washington, D.C. Nugent’s boss, Harry Barnes, saw the same objects on the screen and had two other people check the radar to make sure it wasn’t malfunctioning; it wasn’t. Other controllers reported that they also saw the same objects and could see a bright orange light from the control tower. Nearby at Andrews Air Force Base, an airman saw a bright orange disk from his control tower. More people started to notice the UFO along with six other fast-moving lights in a loose formation. Similar events occurred again seven days later, and President Truman ordered the Air Force to shoot down the flying saucers if the aliens refused to land. After a few days and public panic, the Air Force held a press conference to explain that the strange lights were just aerial phenomena, like meteors. UFO researchers don’t buy this explanation.
1. Battle of Los Angeles

The Battle of Los Angeles, or the Great Los Angeles Air Raid, occurred in 1942 three months after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. In late February, LA residents heard air raid sirens, and the city went black as a mystery object appeared in the sky. In response, the Coast Guard fired anti-aircraft shells at the unidentified object, damaging several buildings and killing four civilians.bThe Air Force later stated that the object was a weather balloon. UFO enthusiasts think the flying object came from outer space, even though the Los Angeles Times writer who created the original UFO story on February 26, 1942, admitted to retouching the printed photo and writing fake headlines.
The Battle of Los Angeles, or the Great Los Angeles Air Raid, occurred in 1942 three months after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. In late February, LA residents heard air raid sirens, and the city went black as a mystery object appeared in the sky. In response, the Coast Guard fired anti-aircraft shells at the unidentified object, damaging several buildings and killing four civilians.bThe Air Force later stated that the object was a weather balloon. UFO enthusiasts think the flying object came from outer space, even though the Los Angeles Times writer who created the original UFO story on February 26, 1942, admitted to retouching the printed photo and writing fake headlines.