Toys You Had as a Kid That Are Worth Tons of Cash Now

If you once had one of the valuable toys on this list—and you played with it very gently (or not at all)—selling it to the perfect, passionate collector today could mean big bucks. Toys from the ’70s, ’80s and even the ’90s, especially those linked to favorite television shows and movie characters, may be hot commodities among collectors on the second-hand market.
Here are 35 valuable toys you had as a kid that are worth tons of cash today:
35. Game Boy

People will pay big bucks for vintage toys, and the Game Boy is one of those valuable toys almost everyone had at some point during the ’90s and early 2000s.
An original Game Boy can bring in anywhere from $750 to $1,500 on sites like eBay. If that isn’t enough money for you, then check to see if you happen to have the gold-plated, diamond-encrusted special edition Game Boy. If so, you’re looking at a nice sum of $25,000.
Frankly speaking, the diamond would be distracting while playing games like Tetris.
Price: $750-$25,000
34. Monopoly

Monopoly is also one of those valuable toys most people played with as kids. But I bet you didn’t know that the money game is a valuable toy which is worth big bucks today. A hand-drawn and -painted original version of the game, made in 1933 by the creator himself, sold for $146,500 at auction.
There might be very few of those out there, but even other versions of the game can sell for large sums of money. Other vintage versions from the 1930s have sold at Sotheby’s for $4,000 to $6,000, and even newer limited editions of the game can sell for hundreds on eBay.
Price: $4,000-$6,000
33. Super Mario Bros 3

Okay, so just for the sake of this list, let’s just all agree that video games are toys, or at least pretend. Some beloved games from the ’90s have sold for ludicrous prices, and they’re worth mentioning.
One such game is Super Mario Bros 3 for the NES. Interestingly, the Japanese Famicom version doesn’t seem to be worth much, selling on its own, complete and in the box, for just $26. However, a complete and sealed copy of the American or European NES version can easily net you $405.
Released in North America in 1990, Super Mario Bros 3 is often considered the best of the original Super Mario Brothers games. That being said, it has been re-released multiple times over the years on various consoles, and it was pretty common when it first came out, which has dropped the value of the game significantly.
Price: $405
32. Barbie

Verge Campus
The first Barbie doll came out in March 1959. It launched at the New York Toy Fair. If you’ve somehow still managed to keep the original in mint condition in her black and white swimsuit, as opposed to changing her outfits, cutting her hair and giving her tattoos, and she’s in the original packaging, she may be worth up to $8,000 or even more, with one selling at auction for over $20,000 and the brunette version selling for much more because of its rarity.
Other early Barbies, clothing sets and accessories may also be worth hundreds of dollars, and more recent limited edition collector’s dolls are also coveted, including the Tokidoki tattooed Barbie.
Price: $339-$20,000+
31. Polly Pocket

Essential Kids
The genius of Polly Pocket was that there were so many different miniature locations to collect. The problem with this toy, however, was that the pieces were so tiny, it was impossible not to lose some.
This issue is what makes this toy one of the valuable toys in today’s world because a complete Polly Pocket goes for a cool $650+ on eBay.
Price: $650+
30. 1972 Blythe Doll

Blythe was “the doll with a surprise in her eyes.” Blythe’s eyes freakishly changed color when you pulled the string at the base of her neck. Spooky yet satisfying, the Blythe doll stood almost a foot tall and sported funk-a-delic mod clothing with boots.
She came in a variety of hair colors—blond, brunette and redhead—and in 1972, she sold for around $6. Today, a single disembodied Blythe leg can fetch upward of $100. If you have the whole original doll in good condition, don’t blink—you’re probably looking at a chance to score about $2,000.
Price: $100-$2,000
29. 1970s Stretch Armstrong

If you were an eight-year-old boy in 1976, you probably either had, wished for or played with a Stretch Armstrong figure. Made of latex rubber and filled with sugary corn syrup, of all things, the original Stretch Armstrong was manufactured by Kenner from 1976 to 1979.
Stretch was aptly named, as his whole appeal rested on the fact that kids could stretch him to impossible limits and he would always return to his original shape. Today, collectors happily pay thousands of dollars for this simple, bendable toy. Mint in the box, with the paper instructions and accessories, Stretch Armstrong can net you around $2,500. Sweet!
Price: $2,500
28. Peanut the Royal Blue Beanie Baby

Ty, Inc. issued Peanut, the royal blue elephant, on June 3, 1995. The Beanie Baby remained in production for another three years, but the royal blue version was produced only through October of that year, making it a rare and ultra-collectible plush toy.
Ty’s Beanie Babies were conceived in an effort to produce an affordable toy for kids that they could purchase using their own allowance. Because they originally sold for about $5, many children in the mid- to the late 1990s owned a version of Peanut the elephant.
Those fortunate enough to still have one of the first 2,000 ever produced in the royal blue color could be sitting on $1,500 to $5,000—and that’s not peanuts.
Price: $1,500+
27. Furby

Furbies are known for speaking in their weird made-up language. They were said to interact with their owners and other furbies.
They made a small comeback a few years ago, but the originals are sold all over eBay.
Price: $600
26. Pokemon Cards

When these cards were first released in in the mid-90’s it became a worldwide obsession. Every kid was trying to find their favorite Pokemon cards and collect them.
There are a few rare cards out there that are worth a lot of money!
Price: $10,000
25. Sega Genesis

For the majority of people in our generation, the Sega Genesis was the first video game console that people owned. This amazing system introduced Sonic the Hedgehog into our lives.
While Sega no longer makes any game console, this machine leaves a special place in our hearts.
Price: $1,000
24. HitClips

During the late 90’s and early 2000’s, HitClips hit the scene. They were the coolest way to listen to your favorite song. Eventually, the iPod took over this space, but these little cartridges went away.
People on eBay will pay a lot of money for this little device.
Price: $100
23. Easy Bake Oven

The most popular toy in Hasbro’s history was the Easy Bake Oven. It allowed kids to make small baked goods and snacks. The best part? They were actually edible.
There are newer versions being old, but the original Easy Bake Oven is rare and people when their hands on them!
Price: $300
22. Mario Kart 64

When Nintendo first released Nintendo 64, they were able to create a fun came known as Mario Kart 64! The original Mario Kart was children and adults from everywhere.
There are definitely moderately price, but there are higher priced cartridge.
Price: $2,500
21. Lite Brite

When you were a child, everyone loved colorful plastic pegs into a board. You can watch them light up.
This toy was in everyone’s childhood, but now they on the internet for everyone to remember.
Price: $200
20. American Girl Doll “Molly”

If you look at American Girl Dolls now, you will see they run for around $100-$200. There are discontinued doll sets like Felicity, Samantha, Kristen, and Molly.
You can get one of these rare dolls for a pretty penny.
Price: $11,000
19. Lego Sets

The Legos have become more popular in recent years because of the “The Lego Movies.” Now you are able to find Legos everywhere to find certain because they are still popular.
There are certain sets that are discontinued like a pirate ship and the Star Wars Millenium Falcon.
Price: $10,000-$12,000
18. Moon Shoes

They were large plastic shoes that felt like you were walking on a trampoline.
They were still first introduced in the 1950’s. Then the Moon Shoes became successful during the 1990’s.
Price: $200
17. Nintendo NES

If you did not grow up with Sega, then you were probably playing Nintendo NES.
This valuable toy was one of the original video game consoles.
Price: $1,300
16. Super Soaker

Fabian Posselt/ullstein bild/ Getty Images
The Super Soaker had so many options for water guns. It was filled with countless hours of pure fun every single summer.
They do not make these much anymore, so if you can grab it on eBay!
Price: $600
15. Dear Diary

When Tiger Electronics created a lot of toys for tweens and teens, they also created Dear Diary. It was an electronic diary and it became a hit with young girls across the world.
It was the perfect toy to keep your secrets. The toy can only open if you had a secret code!
Price: $200
14. Sky Dancer

The Daily Edge
The flying dolls would allow kids every to launch them into the sky.
They would spin around and then fall to the ground!
Price: $100
13. Happy Meal Toys

There are many Happy Meals from 1979 that are worth a lot of money now.
They are collectors toys that can be worth a lot of cash.
Price: $300
12. Double-Telescoping Darth Vader
If Dad held onto the early Star Wars toys, it’s possible he might have a double-telescoping version of Darth Vader packed away in Grandma’s attic. The most valuable figure in a series that featured Vader, Luke and Obi-Wan, this version of the Dark Sith Lord featured a lightsaber that extended from his hollow arm, then extended again in a thinner, more-fragile tip.
The dual-extending weapon was costly to manufacture, and Kenner quickly changed the design in the next wave of figures. Because it’s estimated that only three of the figures remain—still packaged and unaccounted for—each is valued between $2,000 and $7,000, depending on the condition and whether or not it’s in the original packaging.
Not bad for a $2.49 investment. Take that, Rebel Alliance.
Price: $2,000-$7,000
11. Magic: The Gathering — Black Lotus Card
The 1993 collectible card game Magic: The Gathering was the first of its kind to spawn a professional player circuit. Introduced by Wizards of the Coast, MTG still boasts a following that numbers in the millions. Particularly collectible among Magic cards was the powerful Black Lotus.
Whether an Alpha Black Lotus or a Beta Black Lotus, an authenticated card of this variety in mint condition today can help you collect upwards of $15,000, making it one of the most valuable toys today.
Price: $15,000+
10. 1978 Luke Skywalker Action Figure

A Japanese designer decided to auction off his a Star Wars collection.
In 2015, this original Luke Skywalker action figure that has never been unboxed went for a pretty penny.
Price: $25,000
9. First Edition of Where the Wild Things Are

When this book first came out in 1963, no one knows that Maurice Sendak’s classic children’s book would be a hit. The condition of this book looked brand new because it had no rips, smudges or smears.
At an auction, this first edition went for lots of money. If you have this book lying around somewhere, sell it on eBay quick!
Price: $25,000
8. Vintage Atari Cartridges: Prices Vary

There was an urban legend that Atari had buried hundreds of its game cartridges in the New Mexico desert in 1983 turned out to be true. In all, 881 recovered cartridges were sold, totaling lots of money in proceeds.
Individually, the more rare and popular games can go for hundreds of dollars on eBay.
Price: $107,000
7. Masters of the Universe Eternia Playset: $1,600

Described by one eBay seller as the “Holy Grail” of Masters of the Universe toys, this battleground where your He-Man and Skeletor action figures might have fought now goes for rent payment.
Price: $1,600
6. Jurassic Park Action Figures

Everyone loved this 1993 film about a theme park gone wrong. There are still lots of toys to prove everyone was obsessed with this movie.
If you held on to the original ’90s action figures and kept them in good condition, they can be worth thousands of dollars each these days.
Price: $2,800
5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1980s Action Figures

These “heroes in a half-shell” first made an appearance as comic book characters in 1984, and a wildly popular animated series soon followed in 1987. Pretty much every kids’ birthday party we attended in the late 80s was Teenage Turtle-themed.
There was plenty of the action figures were gifted.
Price: $400-$900
4. She-Ra, Princess of Power and Her Horse Swift Wind

He-Man’s twin sister was a hero.
The original action figure in-box, packaged alongside her horse was listed at an auction site for everyone to remember.
Price: $150 – $1,500
3. Digimon

The virtual monsters were first created in 1997 and they gained popularity after their anime series and video games blew up. Cards and action figures are rare and everyone is looking for them.
Price: $100-$500
2. Boba Fett Action Figure

Given the franchise’s massive popularity, it’s a safe bet that vintage Star Wars merchandise will command some of the highest prices in the galaxy.
Bounty hunter, Boba Fett, is among the most popular action figure from the films.
Price: $32,000
1. Teddy Ruxpin

Teddy Ruxpin bears were the most popular toy for children in the 80s. Teddy was a cute fuzzy bear with an orange t-shirt that would move his eyes and read stories! Naturally, it was just a cassette tape in the bear.
Children loved how Teddy would read them stories before they slept. For being so popular, the company that made Teddy Ruxpins, Worlds of Wonder, went out of business, meaning no more bears.
Price: $1,000